The Most Addictive Drug 2011Truth time, my loves...The addiction market has taken a major swing from drugs and alcoholto "SITTING ON FACEBOOK DAY AND NIGHT ALONE!!"Researchers are logging into FACEBOOK and TWITTER constantly,in order to FIND A CURE!!
What are the LETHAL and/or DANGEROUS side effects of this CRAZINESS, you ask?1) LOSING ALL OF YOUR REAL FRIENDS2) BECOMING LETHARGIC AND STAGNANT 3) LIVING IN A FANTASY FISHBOWL, WITHOUT EVER TOUCHING UPON REALITY4) VARICOSE VEINS5) OBESITY 6) DIVORCEetc.Take a good, hard look at yourselves, people...If you believe yourself to be "Addicted to Facebook," we have established a FACEBOOK HOTLINE...1 (800) GET REAL