There were SO MANY things to deal with.....
Yikes !!Where would she find the time ??WOULD she find the time ?What if Everything were bundled into a neat, zip locked, bag of hoo haa ??Wouldn''t that be BETTER ??more EFFICIENT ??Were there SPECIALISTS in "muddled hoo haa" ??
She''d Google it !!YES !!!And then she''d take the WHOLE, pernicious, zip locked bag...... and she''d effectively TOSS IT into somebody ELSE''S hands !!hence THWARTING the perceptible bag of rocks and debris which she''d been LUGGING around on her broken, ( yet lovely),shoulders since the YEAR ALEPH !!........This was a CAPITAL IDEA, Watson !!!Yes !!!She was googling it now !!" Specialist in LUMPING entire sacks of OBLIGATIONS and TO DO listsinto a Neat, Zip locked BAG,and taking complete OWNERSHIP away from OVERLY ENCUMBERED women !"