Here is my third and final medical analysis of the pointlessness and futility of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) crazies who target Israeli goods and services. (For those who wish to be reminded of parts one and two, they can be read here and here.) Again, please remember that all my examples are taken from news items that were published only in the last 4.5 months. If I included all the medical work that Israel was doing, this article would run to hundreds of thousands of words.
I proved previously that BDS-ers have no heart, brains or spine – otherwise why would they boycott the country that is developing treatments for those areas of the body. Now I suggest that the whole BDS idea is not only wrong - it is nonsense. There is no sense whatsoever in boycotting a country that is working on restoring the senses of millions of people.
- Have they not heard that Tel Aviv University Professor Karen Avraham has discovered the reason for genetic hearing loss?
- Have they lost sight of the benefit of Israel Technion’s research into substituting damaged retinas with a new area of the eye that has been turned into photoreceptors?
- Did they not read that US President Obama’s step-grandmother underwent emergency eye treatment at an Israeli-run hospital in Equatorial Guinea?
Would-be boycotters:
- Do not have the guts to admit that Israeli research into colon disease is the best in the world. Israel’s BiolineRX’s BL-7040 oral treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) could bring relief to 1.4 million individuals in the US alone.
- Obviously cannot stomach the fact that scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have discovered at the cellular level how the gut’s immune system maintains a healthy balance.
- Will be really “down in the mouth” when they realise their doctors cannot use the video and endoscope system from Israel’s Peer Medical.
I wish the BDS crowd would grow up:
- But how can they if they boycott the human growth hormone developed by Israel’s Prolor Biotech?
It is the end of the line for childless BDS-ers who boycott Israel’s innovative fertility treatments.
- Cytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) developed in 2004 by Benjamin Bartoov of Israel’s Bar-Ilan University is at the core of the recently opened IVF centers in New Delhi.
- A research team from Israel’s Technion has produced human eggs using cells from the amniotic sac that surrounds a baby in the womb. Experts believe that donation of the amniotic sac will be more acceptable than egg donation from fertile women – but not to BDS-ers.
Life is just too complicated for BDS-ers:
- And they should end it all, now that they know three Israelis invented the science of Biogerontology (the study of longevity and the aging process) and that Israel recently hosted the eighth European Congress of Biogerontology.
The despicable BDS-ers cannot have any wish to save life.
- They would have added to the deaths of those murdered in the Boston Marathon bombings through refusing Israel’s help train Boston medical staff for a mass-casualty event.
- They have no pity for the Boston children who would have been permanently scarred but for the post-trauma help from the Israel Trauma Coalition.
- They would rather say “Roger and Out” to reducing emergency response times with the innovative call centre system from Israel’s NowForce, now operating in Missouri or to any training with Magen David Adom – Israel’s emergency first response service.
- They would happily switch off Israel’s EarlySense “under the mattress” patient vital signs monitoring system currently being distributed to hospitals across the United States.
- They would tell you to hand back your Oxitone wrist-worn blood-oxygen monitor that warns of any sudden deterioration in an “at risk” patient’s condition.
- No sweat to them that more Africans have to die from tropical diseases rather than allow Ben Gurion University students to carry out an extensive educational medical and sanitation program in Ethiopia.
The warped world that the BDS-ers inhabit has no desire:
- To cure measles; the US National Institutes of Health wants Ben-Gurion University to discover why the measles virus persists
- To recognise Downs Syndrome; Israel and Singapore established World Down Syndrome Day in 2006 and over 400 participants attended this year’s event at Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem in April.
- To cure autism; Osnat Zomer-Penn received the L’Oréal-UNESCO “Women in Science” prize for determining its genetic basis.
- To treat osteo-arthritis; Moebius’s injectable solution was demonstrated at US road shows in February.
Finally, ALEH - Israel’s largest network of facilities for children with severe cognitive and physical disabilities - has pioneered a virtual reality (VR) facility to allow their residents to go on occasional field trips in simulated environments. BDS-ers, however, live permanently in a Virtual world. I advise them all to undergo cognative therapy until they can recognise the real world in which Israeli medical innovations are indispensable.
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