I have been trying for weeks to come up with something to write about. With so much happening in my personal life, in Israel, and throughout the world, it shouldn''t be so hard. But it is. As I sit, watching the light rail, hearing the steady hum of the buses, smelling the unique downtown Jerusalem scent (an exclusive mix of sweat, urine, cats, cold air, dust, soon available from Estee Lauder), I ponder. And think. And wonder. What can I write about? None of the topics that enter my head pass muster. When I embarked on my trip to Poland, I was sure that I would return with something to write about. Unfortunately, there was nothing that warranted an article. Yes, there are plenty of stories about Israelis in a different culture, in Poland. Funny epistles about flying for the first time, going through airport security, staying at foreign hotels, utilizing English, and "behaving" on buses and in public places, not to mention seeing Jewish sites and heritage outside of Israel. I could write about senior year in Israel, in which I have already developed a killer tan from sitting outside with nothing to do all day. I could write about my newly found distaste of overly materialistic Americans, discovered over the Sukkot holiday. I could write about Gilad Schalit, or Ilan Grappel, or anything under the sun. If only I could. If I thought of myself as a writer, I would call this writer''s block. But this is far, far worse. I''m no writer, I''m a reflector (Is that even a word? Like a reflector vest?), and I have reflector''s block. Perhaps I need to change the style of my blog, to focus on a singular topic, as opposed to the broad American- Israeli spectrum. What should I write about? Maybe fiction? Or history? Perhaps I could focus on one vegetable each month, and write a long dissertation about it? (Yes, that sentence was inspired by a large bowl of red peppers, shiny and plump, with thick green stems and graceful proportions). Perhaps not. Maybe I''ll focus on the new building projects in the downtown area of Jerusalem. One building at a time, from the beautiful Mashbir, to the new apartment buildings, to the light rail. Ooh... The light rail! I could see some fascinating articles coming out of there. I''ve been on it three times, and actually enjoyed it. Well, except for the afore mentioned Jerusalem scent, the crowdedness, and the general uncleanliness of the cars, not to mention the speed. While rereading this article, it strikes me as being very sarcastic and pessimistic, and for that I apologize, dear reader. It''s the result of a terrible case of writer''s block. Or rather, reflector''s block.