Thirty Days Have Gone By … “Shloshim” to Mitch

Mitchell ‘Mitch’ Flint passed away this September 16, 2017.

It has been a months since Mitch left us, the people on earth, and took a seat next to the Almighty.

 Mitch Flint!
 About Commander Mitch Flint

Mitch was a man of many actions and activities, but what made him exceptional is his magic flying skills that helped Israel win the War of Independence in 1948-1949. With his courageous flying he seeded the establishment of the glorious Israel Air Force as well as was a major factor in the survival of the nascent Jewish state, Israel, now a county that creates magic.

Mitch was the last man standing of Israel air-force first 101 Squadron and the one before last of 140 foreign volunteer pilots who were ‘recruited’ and were crazy enough to arrive to Israel to fly airplane that could hardly be called airplanes and scare the aggressive, attacking Arab forces away.

A book “Angles In The Sky,” by Robert Gandt, that tells the story of Mitch and his fellow men volunteers just came out to light.

 The book Angles In The Sky special edition
 Book Angles In The Sky cover back page

A full feature film that, if produced, will be keeping the film Exodus very good company, is ready to be produced.

 About the Airmen who defended Israel in the Los Angeles Time

Mitch deserves to receive the highest recognition medal for excellent citizenship and bravery - from Israel and the United States.

There is a saying: ‘People who care, volunteer as a way of life’ – that was Mitch, that was every member of the Angles In The Sky band-of-brothers.

 The writer of this article's condolence to the family