41 Gush Katif evacuees ineligible to vote in Likud race

A Likud official on Tuesday informed 41 party members that had been evacuated from Gush Katif in 2005 that they are ineligible to vote in the Likud primary elections because their place of residence is as of yet unknown. Eligibility for voting in the party primary hinges on one's ability to vote in local elections.
Likud primary contender Moshe Feiglin's campaign chairman Ezra Gabay said that 41 Gush Katif evacuees were ineligible to vote because Netanyahu had consciously tied the vote for party leader to the vote for local representatives. Gabay added that all of the 41 evacuees had voted in previous party elections.
The Feiglin campaign also claimed that a lack of proper voting materials at ballot boxes in Judea and Samaria were preventing Likud members from voting at those polling places.