Ben-Eliezer: Labor may join gov't if Arab proposal adopted

Labor would join the coalition if the government adopted the Arab League's peace proposal, on the assumption that Bayit Yehudi would subsequently leave the government, MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer (Labor) told Army Radio Wednesday morning.
The Labor MK welcomed the Arab League delegation’s statement made on Tuesday in Washington, that it would accept “minor” land swaps as part of an Israeli-Palestinian agreement on the basis of the pre-1967 lines.
Ben-Eliezer said that Labor would support the initiative in any way possible, and therefore in such a scenario, the party would join the coalition in order to maintain stability and to bring political progess.
"I have followed the Arab League's decisions for 50 years, since I was a child, and this is the first time they are talking about ending the conflict and the 1967 borders," he said.