Canadian paper: Hezbollah’s Burgas bomb was 'family affair'

BERLIN- Two of the three suspected Hezbollah operatives accused by Bulgaria’s government of killing five Israelis and a Bulgarian national have familial ties. The Canadian daily National Post reported on Tuesday that a Canadian, who is believed to have participated in the bombing of an Israeli tour bus in Burgas, Bulgaria, “is a relative of the unidentified terrorist who died while planting the explosives.”
According to the National Post article, DNA testing confirmed that the terror attack in Burgas Airport “was a family affair, but officials have not determined whether the bomb carrier who died was also a Canadian citizen.”
Several weeks after the July 18 bombing attack, investigators located the Canadian’s fake driver’s license in Bulgaria near the  southern border of Romania where the two suspects fled.
DNA genetic evidence taken from the driver’s license confirmed a family connection with the DNA of the dead suspected terrorist at the Burgas airport.