Defense Minister Liberman files the candidate for next IDF chief of staff

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, filed the name of the next candidate for the IDF chief of staff with the advisory committee, naming Deputy Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi as his nominated candidate.
"Major General Aviv has a stellar operational experience and a rich and impressive command and also has the integrity, values and morals. Gen. stars is an appropriate candidate and the most worthy chief of staff," according to Liberman.
In a letter submitted to the committee chairman, retired Supreme Court Justice Eliezer Goldberg wrote, "Over recent months, staff worked orderly to select a candidate for the Chief of Staff of the IDF. As part of the procedure, the candidacy of-deputy chief of staff Major General Aviv was tested... Of all the candidates, Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Aviv had been deemed to be the most suitable candidate."
"As mentioned, Gen. Aviv has a stellar operational experience and a rich and impressive command history and also has the integrity, values and morals [of an ideal chief of staff candidate]. In view of the aforementioned, Major General Aviv is a suitable candidate for the stars and the most worthy chief of staff [candidate].... Therefore, the committee is asked to render an opinion regarding the candidacy of Deputy Chief of Staff."