Dermer at JPost Conference: 'The IDF deserves the Nobel Peace Prize'

Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer addressed The Jerusalem Post's Annual Conference in New York on Sunday, differentiating between commonly held fictions about Israel and the region, and actual facts.
Despite the nuclear deal reached with Iran last year, the belief that Iran has become moderate is a fiction, Dermer argued.
He called on the world to "keep Iran's feet to the fire" in ensuring that it adheres to the agreement, put a spotlight on Iran's humanitarian violations and work to thwart its support for terror.
Dermer held that there was an additional amount of fiction being spread in regard to Israel and the Palestinians. Despite the fiction that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not want to peace, it is  Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who has avoided negotiations for the last seven years.
"The conflict pre-dates the building of settlements by at least 50 years," Dermer argued against claims that Israeli building beyond the Green Line is responsible for the continued conflict.
The ambassador also rejected claims that Israel was guilty of war crimes, saying that "the IDF deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for the efforts its commanders make and the risks its soldiers take to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm's way."