Experts want 2% automatic updating of health basket

Eighty-eight medical technologies -- prescription drugs, screening tests, medical nutrition products and devices -- will be added to the 2013 basket provided by the four public health funds to their members with a NIS 300 million allocation by the Finance Ministry.
The public "basket committee" of health experts and public representatives -- chaired for the first time by Shaare Zedek Medical Center director-general Prof. Jonathan Halevy on Tuesday announced their recommendations for inclusion in the basket. The list, from among hundreds of technologies that would have cost NIS 2 billion if all had been included in the basket, will be presented to the Israel Health Council for formal approval on Wednesday and then to the cabinet on Sunday.
Halevy said that chairing the committee during the past two months was "the most fascinating and challenging task in my career." He was given the job for next year as well. Halevy, who has run the highly successful and growing Jerusalem hospital since 1988, had worked as an internal medicine and liver expert at the Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus before joining Shaare Zedek, and in recent years also headed Israel Transplant as a volunteer.