Gush Shalom: Negotiations 'doomed to fail' if Israel unwilling to agree on '67 borders

If there is no agreement on the '67 borders as the basis for peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, then negotiations are "doomed to fail," Gush Shalom stated on Saturday.
In a statement to the press, the left-wing NGO said that the government "in its current composition" is neither willing nor able to provide such an agreement on the borders.
If the peace talks fail, Gush Shalom predicted, the Washington-led talks will be remembered as no more than a "passing episode" that will be followed by escalating violence on the ground and increasing international isolation for Israel. The NGO hinted that in such a case, the government will not be able to evade responsibility.
The success or failure of peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians will stand or fall primarily based on the resolution of the '67 borders issue, Gush Shalom added.
In speculative hopefulness, Gush Shalom said if the border issue is resolved, "We have a breakthrough to a peace agreement with the Palestinians and with the entire Arab world."
Gush Shalom highlighted other core issues such as Jerusalem and refugees, suggesting that they could be resolved once the borders have been defined.