High Court reaches 'compromise' on haredi draft petition

The High Court of Justice on Thursday essentially bowed out from compelling the state to immediately draft thousands of haredim into the IDF per the request of the petitioners, instead opting to order that no time will be taken off of those haredi draftees obligation to serve pending the government's new proposed law on the issue.
This "compromise" was raised by the court and rejected by the petitioners at the last hearing on the issue.
They viewed the compromise as irrelevant, since if the new proposed law passes, they say that none of the Haredim already served with draft orders will actually have to serve.
Despite their objections, the court followed through with its proposal, insisting that between the new law and the freezing of the draftees obligations for length of time to serve, the petitioners concerns were being addressed.
The court added that compelling drafting all of the haredi draftees immediately would undermine the current latest efforts by the government tor resolve the issue.