J'lem: 10,000 haredim protest grave 'desecration' in Jaffa

Around 10,000 haredim protested Tuesday morning at dawn in Kikar HaShabbat in Jerusalem against the continued "desecration" of graves in Jaffa.
As with previous demonstrations, protesters denounced the Electra company, a construction and real-estate giant that had been involved with the construction of a hotel in Jaffa which is on an old archeology site.
Electra executives released a statement in June denying that their company is still involved in the project, but a boycott campaign and series of demonstrations against them show no signs of letting up. The campaign against Electra is being led by Eda Haredit, an ultra-orthodox, anti-Zionist group.
Fake advertisements handed out at the protest advertised "Graves for Sale--Only 1,000 Shekel!"
Police said the crowd dispersed peacefully and there were no arrests.