Labor takes three-seat lead over Likud in latest 'Post' poll

The combined Labor-Hatnua list would win three more Knesset seats than the Likud, 25 to 22, if the election were held now, according to a Panels Research poll taken for The Jerusalem Post and its Hebrew sister publication, Maariv Sof Hashavua.
Both Labor and Bayit Yehudi received boosts from their primaries this week. Bayit Yehudi would win 17 seats, Yesh Atid and a potential united Arab list 11 each, Koolanu nine, United Torah Judaism seven, and Meretz, Yisrael Beytenu and Shas six each.
The poll asked about former Shas chairman Eli Yishai’s Yahad Ha’am Itanu, the Jewish Strength party of former MK Michael Ben-Ari, and Green Leaf; none passed the 3.25% electoral threshold that is expected to require some 125,000 votes in the March 17 election.
When respondents were asked how Tuesday’s Labor primary impacted the chance that they would vote for the party, 24 percent said it increased the likelihood that they would cast ballots for the Labor-Hatnua joint list that will be called Hamahane Hatzioni (“Zionist Camp”) in Hebrew but has not been given a name in English.