More fiber and coffee reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

March has been named colorectal cancer awareness month by the Israel Cancer Association (ICA) and the Health Ministry. The second-most-common cause of death among both men and women, colorectal cancer can be prevented entirely by periodically undergoing a colonoscopy.
In 2012, 1,355 Israelis died of the disease - 611 Jewish men, 602 Jewish men, 50 Arab men and 43 Arab women.
Dr. Lital Keinan Boker, deputy head of the ministry’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention said to mark the beginning of the month that 3,139 new patients were diagnosed in 2012 - 1,453 Jewish men, 1,274 Jewish women, 131 Arab men and 126 Arab women and the rest of other backgrounds, Although many in the population think that men are much more likely to contract colorectal cancer, the prevalence is almost equal in the two genders.