National Council pushes forward gas reception plan

The National Council for Planning and Building on Tuesday approved the transfer of a national master plan for new gas reception infrastructure to a district committee for public comments and objections.
The plan, TAMA-37-H, details the infrastructure necessary for handling and treating Israel’s copious natural gas supplies, and the firm Lerman Architects and Town Planners has been tasked with developing two northern reception points.
Although environmentalists and northern coastal region occupants prefer a completely at-sea reception option, the planners have advocated a program that relies on land facilities – explaining that such construction reduces complications and environmental risk.
“The program is of national importance, and will provide energy independence for Israel, enabling the use of natural gas as a major source of energy production in Israel,” a statement from the Interior Ministry said.
The National Council for Planning and Building has overseen in-depth studies of relevant alternatives both on land and at sea, taking into account the environmental impact of the suggestions by conducting extensive surveys and samples in all suggested locations, the ministry said.