NU head reveals plans for uniting with Habayit Hayehudi

NU head reveals plans fo

The head of the National Union Ya'acov "Ketzele" Katz said Tuesday during a conference that in coming days his party would be meeting with members of Habayit Hayehudi [Jewish Home] to negotiate re-uniting the two parties in the near future. "I have working for unity with all my heart since I was chosen to head the National Union," said Katz at a conference sponsored by the religious Zionist weekly Be'sheva in Jerusalem. "Things are moving forward and in coming days there will be a meeting between the two parties and I think that the National Union and Habayit Hayehudi will be together. This will create a launching base to realize the religious Zionist public's potential political power. "We have to strive to be at the forefront of the country's leadership - Defense Ministers, Finance Ministers and to take over the premiership as well.