‘Police suspected of wrongdoing with a taser should be taken off the beat'

A police officer suspected of wrongfully using a taser must be placed on a desk job until the issue is clarified, the head of the State Control Committee MK Amnon Cohen (Shas) said on Monday, during a meeting held to discuss police use of the controversial non-lethal weapon.
Chief Inspector Ilan Mushali, the officer responsible for monitoring taser use for the National Police Headquarters, said that police have begun filling out forms after using tasers and are now required to issue a warning before firing. He said that the new regulations have lowered the frequency with which they are used. 
Earlier this month, the State Comptroller issued a report that was highly critical of police use of tasers, saying that the force had increased their use of them after they were subject to criticism over whether or not they are observing the relevant rules of engagement.
They also listed an entire series of questionable practices with regard to tasers, including that among arrests in which they were used, only 8% resulted in an indictment.