'Rubio's demand that Iran recognize Israel threatens to torpedo bipartisan deal'

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, the Republican hawk who hopes to capture the GOP presidential nomination, insists on forcing Iran to recognize Israel as part of any nuclear deal between the Obama administration and the Islamic Republic, the online news magazine Politico is reporting on Thursday.
Rubio’s uncompromising stance threatens to blow up the recently negotiated compromise between the White House and Congress whereby lawmakers would be permitted to review a deal concerning Iran's nuclear program.
US President Barack Obama said earlier this month that the agreement was a "reasonable compromise" that would not derail talks with Tehran over its nuclear program.
Obama told a White House news conference that Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Senator Bob Corker and the panel's leading Democrat, Ben Cardin, had agreed they would protect the bill from "poison pills" amendments that would be tilted toward trying to kill an agreement with Iran.
Now Rubio is insisting that lawmakers vote on a number of his amendments which Democrats believe will kill the compromise and invite an Obama veto.