Study: Israel ranks 21st in gender equality

In terms of gender equality, Israel ranks 21st of 59 advanced economies, according to a study by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) released by the Federation of Israel Chamber of Commerce on Monday, ahead of International Women’s Day on Friday.
Countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Japan and Belgium came out ahead of Israel, while as Greece, Luxembourg, Turkey and Brazil, among others, lagged behind.
Women’s equality and economic participation are tightly linked to economic success. In 2011, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton summed it up in a speech to the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation: “By increasing women’s participation in the economy and enhancing their efficiency and productivity, we can have a dramatic impact on the competitiveness and growth of our economies.”
When it came to the number of women in management positions, IMD ranked Israel at a respectable 7th place. In 2012, the number of women in management positions grew 1.3%, though the percentage of women working in management was only about half of their Y-chromosome-bearing brethren (5.4% as compared to 10.6%).