Top Arab VC entrepreneur visits Klil’s butterfly park

The park is an open compound, and not a closed greenhouse, to allow butterflies in the area to stay and reproduce in the park.

 From L to R: Tzuri Daboosh, Imad Telhami, Rim Telhami. (photo credit: Klil)
From L to R: Tzuri Daboosh, Imad Telhami, Rim Telhami.
(photo credit: Klil)

Imad Telhami, business and social entrepreneur and chairman and founder of Babcom Centers, visited the Butterfly Lake Park at the Klil factory in Carmiel.

Imad is a partner with Hemi Peres and Erel Margalit in the investment fund and incubator Takwin (“Genesis” in Arabic), which is intended to encourage entrepreneurs from the Arab sector.

The park is an open compound, and not a closed greenhouse, to allow butterflies in the area to stay and reproduce in the park. The park includes natural biotopes including open woodland, shrubs and perennials and annuals, expanses of wildflowers and herbs, tailored to the needs of the butterflies in the area.

There are about 42 species of butterflies in the park area (Carmiel Valley).

Tzuri Daboosh, chairman of Klil: "Klil recently launched the Butterfly Park complex, which covers an area of ​​15 dunams with an investment of about NIS 3 million. The establishment of the park is the fulfillment of the company's vision with a commitment not only to preserve nature but also to give back to nature."

"The butterfly symbolizes the values ​​of Klil... beauty, lightness, positivity, which is reminiscent of the spirit of the company in Klil products."

Fredy Aboukrat

Fredy Aboukrat, CEO of Klil: "The butterfly symbolizes the values ​​of Klil... beauty, lightness, positivity, which is reminiscent of the spirit of the company in Klil products."

Telhami: "Klil and the Butterfly Lake Park are a connection between the head and the heart – the head is Klil and the heart is the butterfly park and this is the secret of success, knowing how to balance the two worlds to create wholeness.”