The public wants to know

The real question isn't which candidate will pick up faster at 3 a.m., but what decision will be reached.

Colette Avital (photo credit: )
Colette Avital
(photo credit: )
The public wants to know As Kadima primaries draw near and the atmosphere heats up, public statements made by the candidates, referring more to their personal qualities, qualifications or lack thereof - seem more suitable for a popularity contest than for a substantial choice. The real question is not which candidate will pick up the phone faster at three am, but rather what kind of decision that phone call will entail and how it will be reached. The question is one of substance. Have Kadima's candidates digested and adopted some of the recommendations put forward by the Winograd report? What soundly-based alternatives will stand before them when they are called upon to answer the "red line"? Will the National Security Council, established by law, now be given enough tools and authority to be able to provide relevant, up-to-date and serious alternatives allowing the next prime-minister and the cabinet to reach the right decisions? Read the rest of this blog
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