Naïve or Sensitivity-Challenged?
Many who do not oppose the mosque still cringe at having it built two blocks from Ground Zero. Viviana Hernandez, a chaplain with better instincts than the community board, correctly assessed the problem. She said the 9/11 victims’ families “would be wounded by erecting a mega mosque so close to the place where their loved ones were massacred. Even though they may have altruistic reasons, the real terrorists will see it as a win on their side.”And that’s the material reason for not building the structure that would accommodate 2,000 Muslim worshipers and which supporters promote as a “vibrant and inclusive world-class community center.” Critics assert that, to radical jihadists, the mosque—located in the very heart of what Muslims call the “Great Satan”—would be a monument to the supremacy of Islam over decadent America. Regardless of what imams preach there, jihadists will give the messages a symbolic twist all their own. A ready example of this fact is already on display near a Manhattanmosque whose imam preaches against terrorism. But outside the brothersof the “Revolution Muslim” spread another message. Reporting for CNN,Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston filed this report late last year:Protectedby the Constitution of the country they detest, radical Muslim convertslike Yousef al-Khattab and Younes Abdullah Mohammed preach that thekilling of U.S. troops overseas is justified. In their thinking, sowere the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States—and so areattacks on almost any American. “Americans will always be a target—anda legitimate target—until America changes its nature in theinternational arena,” Mohammed said.Not Our War, but a War Indeed
It is regrettable we are involved in a conflict that Islamistspromise will not cease until a global Islamic caliphate becomes areality and Muslim Sharia law the universal instrument of justice. Andthough we commend moderate Muslims who would wish it otherwise, this isthe reality we live with. Refraining from the use of terms like jihadists, radical Islam, Islamic terrorists, War on Terror or the like does not change the equation. It’s war, and we are in it.Five times each day the world over, Muslims hear the adhan (the Muslim call to prayer) ringing from their minarets. Excerpts declare:- Allah is most great, Allah is most great.
- I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshiped except Allah.
- Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar [Allah is the greatest].