Liberman says no chance of peace with the Palestinians
Former Foreign Minister says more information is needed on Russian proposal for Syria before averting US military action.
By JPOST.COM STAFFAvigdor Liberman 370(photo credit: reuters)
Likud Beytenu MK Avigdor Liberman told Israel Radio on Tuesday that the chances of a diplomatic breakthrough with the Palestinians are nil, and that more needed to be known about Russia’s proposal that would avert US military action in Syria.Liberman, the former foreign minister who currently serves as the chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said the details of the Russian proposal to place Syrian chemical weapons under international inspection remained unclear.In an interview with Israel Radio, Liberman said that Israel needed to ascertain whether the plan calls for the chemical arms to be completely relinquished to Western possession or if international inspectors would oversee the stockpiles on Syrian soil.Either way, Liberman said that Israel should resist attempts to drag it into the Syrian conflict and remain neutral.“[Syrian President Bashar] Assad and his associates need to understand that they will turn into a legitimate target if they drag Israel into the conflict,” Liberman said.When asked about the implications for its policy toward Iran, Liberman said that Israel needed to rely first and foremost on itself, though he expressed hope that the international community would take “determined” action to put a stop to Tehran’s nuclear program.The former foreign minister reiterated his view that a final status agreement with the Palestinians was “impossible,” and that all attempts to expedite peace talks with the Palestinian Authority were “doomed to failure.”