Shapiro: Netanyahu, Abbas in stronger position than past leaders to reach agreement
Speaking at Conference of Presidents, US ambassador states support for Israel, peace process.
The US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, spoke on Monday at the Conference of Presidents in Jerusalem, addressing US support for Israel and the ongoing peace process for a two-state solution.Shapiro mentioned that Israeli leaders such as Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu are saying that a two state solution is the only option and that "Netanyahu and [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas are in a stronger position than past leaders to execute a two state solution."Shapiro stated that the US "wants to help Israel achieve this goal [of a two-state solution]."The ambassador stressed the difficulties and challenges facing both Netanyahu and Abbas. "We know this is heavy lifting for both leaders," he said.He pointed out that a peace agreement cannot be implemented unless the Palestinian Authority has full control over all Palestinian territory. The ambassador also pointed out his support for the prisoner release aggreements reached by Netanyahu and Abbas in an effort to continue negotiations and the PA's refrain from taking the issue to International Criminal Court (ICC).With regards to ongoing boycott and divestment campaigns against Israel, Shapiro said of the United States, "We have opposed, do oppose and will continue to oppose efforts to delegitimize, boycott Israel.