Residence: Maastricht, Holland
Married? With children? Dee-vorced, Dee-tached & Dee-lighted
Occupation: Dept of the Army Civilian
Education: Masters Degree
Pets: My chow chow died last year
Religious affiliation / observance: Jewish/Conservative
Last person / party I voted for: G.W. Bush
Next person / party I will vote for: Definitely Republican
My history (100 words max): Served in the US Army as a tank officer, spent last year in the Middle East as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I have lived in Belgium and Holland for the past eight years, but still call Arizona home
Family history (100 words max): Family is from Lithuana, but we grew up north of Chicago
My connection with Israel: I lived in Israel in 1979 and 1980, and have always regretted leaving
What I would take with me to a deserted island: A box of cigars
If I could have dinner with any person in the world it would be: Moshe Dayan
What angers you: People who resort to name calling when their side of the argument no longer makes sense
What makes you happy: Waking up every morning
Last book I read was: About Face, by David Hackworth
Comfort food: Uno's pizza, Chicago's finest. Nothing comes close here in Holland
My life five years from now: Hope to be living in the American Southwest
You may not like it but I have something controversial to say: Self reliance has become an anachronism in America
Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 10
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