On June 18, 1941, he Palestine Post reported that both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were gathering forces against each other along their borders and in Romania and Finland. Observers noted that there were some 15 to 20 German armored divisions in Finland.
German-US ties were near breaking point.
There was still strong resistance by the French Vichy units in Syria and heavy fighting was reported after the British army occupied Kuneitra and was closing on Damascus.
On June 18, 1956, The Jerusalem Post reported that Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett resigned and was replaced by Golda Meir. Sharett told the Mapai Central Committee that he did not feel able to continue to fill the post, but gave no details. Observers suspected that there were differences of opinion between him and Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. The Post paid warm tribute to Sharett and said that no major changes in Israel's foreign policy were to be expected.
The cabinet discussed immigration from Morocco and the period of anxiety for some 180,000 Tunisian Jews.
There were several infiltration and shooting incidents along the Lebanese and Egyptian borders.
On June 17 and 18, 1981, The Jerusalem Post reported that Prime Minister Menachem Begin sent an urgent message to US President Ronald Reagan, who said that while Israel had reason to fear a nuclear Iraq, there were other options and condemned the raid.
US envoy Philip Habib was expected to return from Syria with an unequivocal refusal to the Israeli demand to remove missiles from Lebanon.
Former Israeli hostages in the 1976 Entebbe hijacking and heirs of the four civilians killed there had secretly reached a compensation agreement with Air France.
- Alexander Zvielli