'If Israel truly didn't care about moral codes, it would level Lebanon, Gaza, and W. Bank'
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFNew! on JPost.com: The Hot Potato This is your chance to voice your opinion. We've chosen a controversial / interesting entry that appeared on our site (talkback, blog, etc...) and we want to know what you have to say about it.
TODAY'S HOT POTATO:Taken from article:Nasrallah says Hizbullah has body parts of IDF soldiersTalkback #: 58 + 71
Talkbacker: Keshav, India ; Anonymous
Text:Keshav, India: Israelis keep talking about moral codes. I'd like to remind you this is a war .the IDF soldier was CAPTURED by them. Do you really think you are better than them?
Anonymous: Yes, the Israelis are better than them. There's this thing called the Geneva Convention, which sets some standards as to how to treat enemy combatants, what to do with bodies, etc. Everyone keeps complaining that Israel (and the US) consistently violate the Geneva Convention, but no one seems to care that Hizbullah has no respect for the lives of anyone who is not Muslim. If Israel truly didn't care about moral codes, they'd level Lebanon, Gaza, and the West Bank once and for all. I'm sure that's what the Palestinians would do if they had the firepower. Can you say "double standard"?
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