Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of DECEMBER 6, 2013
Tip for the week: Before making an important decision, get a second opinion.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHESAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21You have a great deal on your mind right now, and this is the week for getting away from the office and having some fun for a change. People are especially attracted to you now and enjoy sharing thoughts and ideas. Financially things are moving forward according to plan, but expect a few delays along the way. Nothing serious, but good to be prepared. Always fair, this week you are a great arbitrator, as you can see both sides of the situation and are ready to share your knowledge with both parties.HINT: Extremely creative towards the end of the week, this is the time to sit and plan.CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19You continue working overtime and although you are pleased with the results, your social life is suffering as there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. In the coming weeks things will ease up a bit, and that is when you will be able to walk away from your desk and party! Your closest friends are a constant source of support and together, you have begun to accomplish some very interesting and special things.HINT: The latter portion of this week is a good time for meeting with a family member for some quiet conversation and a light meal.AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18Things are moving forward and professionally, you are able to sit back and acknowledge the major growth you have experienced over the past few months. You continue to enjoy learning, and both your coworkers and employers have made your workplace a positive environment for everyone. Before making a decision involving finances, ask questions and pay close attention to the answers. Within a week or so you will receive the information you have been seeking.HINT: Faraway places call you, but for the time being you have neither the time nor the money to book a ticket.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20
A great deal of energy and thought are centered around your place of work, and this is the week for making strides forward. You have been working so very hard and have established not only the reputation of a fair and honest employee, but of one who is willing to share and collaborate as a productive and active team member. Pay attention to where you leave your personal belongings on Wednesday and Thursday; not everyone is as honest as you are.HINT: Your motto this week should be “Out with the old, in with the new,” as you prepare to make some interesting changes in your lifeARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19You continue forging ahead with your writing, and more and more people are beginning to pay attention to what you have to say. Your communication skills have never been as finely tunes and this week, you will come into contact with some interesting, likeminded people who will be more than willing to help you to achieve your goals. At home, your family remain a constant source of support and the more open and honest your conversations with them, the better.HINT: Money and financial matters need attending to, and you may have to cut back on your spending for a short time.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20Increasingly, people are recognizing your talents and are appreciative of all you bring – not only coworkers, but family and friends as well.You have a way of making people feel important and comfortable in your presence, and this is a perfect week for expanding your friendships.Don’t let old fears and insecurities hold you back; that was then, and today you are a very different person. Don’t forget to put your own needs at the top of your list! HINT: You can’t avoid stress, but you can certainly adjust your reaction to it.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21Time spent this week with your partner and/or mate will be interesting, pleasant and anything but boring.Set some time aside for some good brainstorming.When speaking to a fire sign remember that this person may not react positively to being given orders, but is very open to suggestion. Trust your instincts, and then wall away. Financially things are calmer right now, but this is not the time to let your guard down or rely on your luck. On the other hand, this is the perfect week for socializing and going to a concert or the theater.HINT: Activity in and around your home is easing up, and you will have no problem finding that quiet corner you enjoy so much.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 This is a great week for spending time with your family, especially with the younger generation.For the past few months your free time has been very limited and whenever a pocket of space appeared, it was immediately filled by either a prior obligation or by someone seeking help or advice. This is your week, so reach for the moon! Financially things are not only under control, but you can now put some money aside – either for a trip later in the year, or for a major purchase you have been wanting to make.HINT: A lot of energy is centered around your home, so expect a bit of turmoil.LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22You are so creative and have such good ideas. This is the week to set some time aside to work on a personal project that has been on your mind for quite some time.Activity in and around your home has been quite intense over the past few weeks, and you may have to go find a quiet corner in your favorite coffee shop or library in order to get some serious work done.HINT: When speaking with a younger member of your family, remember just how much this person adores you and loves to spend one-on-one time with you.VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22Sometimes you have the feeling that you are alone and no one understands you.This week a conversation with your partner and/or mate will help you realize that not only is this person listening, but is definitely on your side. If you open up a conversation where you honestly discuss your thoughts and plans, you will be pleasantly surprised by their response.Financially things are rather tight this week, but as usual, you have everything under control.HINT: Most of your thoughts right now are centered around your home, and the improvements you wish to make.LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23Always able to see both sides of the story you make a perfect mediator, and this week you might be called upon to help some people you care about work out their differences. You will feel a surge of energy on Sunday and Monday, and these are the days for getting things done and moving forward with an important project.You are not afraid to accept a challenge but remember to take precise notes, as you will need to refer to them as the month progresses.HINT: You are much more aware of your finances, but prefer to let the professionals deal with them.SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 20Your thoughts turn to money and financial matters this week, but the situation is improving and if you continue as you have been, you should be able to relax and enjoy a bit of extra cash by the end of the month. You have been traveling quite a bit for both business and pleasure, and this week is no exception. Try to put some time aside to relax and simply rest. When dealing with an air sign, pay attention to what is not being said.HINT: Sunday and Monday are your most creative days this week – so roll up your sleeves, turn off your phone and enjoy the fruits of your labor.