's most popular NEWS articles for the week of May 22- May 28:

1) Iran test-fires long-range missile

2) Moussa: Reconsider Arab peace plan

3) Entire text of Olmert speech to Congress

4) Israel, US battling over sale of jets

5) World Council of Churches slams Israel's most popular OPINION and FEATURE articles for the week of May 15 - May 21:

1) The Region: Will there be a Palestinian civil war?

2) Our World: Saying no to Olmert

3) Changing places

4) Stop the British academic boycott of Israel

5) Rattling the Cage: A haredi soldier's story

Previous weeks

May 15-May 21
May 8-May 14
May 1-May 7
April 24-April 30
April 17-April 23
April 10-April 16