A new website, with the help of fully interactive maps, will show you exactly.
By JPOST.COM STAFFwww.lookisrael.com answers this question visually, with fully interactive maps; numerically, with charts and compiled data; and comparatively by comparing Israel to the rest of the world. The term "Israel" refers to the land and the Jewish people.
So just how big is Israel? The answer is that Israel is much, much smaller than people think it is. For example, it would fit into Florida eight times; the Republic of Ireland three times. Compared to the 12.8 million Jews in the world there are 1.46 billion Muslims. In the world population one in 468 people are Jewish; one in 3 are Christian; one in four people are Muslim.
As a means of illustration, interesting comparative data relative to Muslim lands and people is also presented, as are the similarities between Jews and Muslim.
LookIsrael.com is the result of research and development by an Irishman, Evin Daly, who lives in South Florida. Mr. Daly researched and developed the project as a result of fielding the aforementioned question during his frequent travels.
"Don't tell me, show me," was the impetus behind the site. Using images taken during visits to Israel, Mr. Daly combines them with simply presented and easy-to-digest information to tell the story of the size of the land and people of Israel. The result: a perspective that surprises.
This simple site is changing people's viewpoint of the often-beleaguered nation of Israel. Early responses show that people don't know just how tiny Israel is and how few Jews there are in the world. Moreover is the interest shown in the many aspects of history and life that Jews and Muslims have in common.