Sixty high school pupils from around the country are competing for the top prizes, which include a full university scholarship.
A polymer injection to help heal eroded spinal disks; the use of stereo speakers to clear up mucous in cystic fibrosis patients’ lungs; a study of the effects of zoo visitors’ interactions with chimpanzees; an antenna system for the country’s first nanosatellite; a robot seeing-eye “dog”; and an ultrasonic ear piece for cellular phones that does not emit harmful radiation are some of the clever, innovative and practical ideas competing for Intel-Israel’s Young Scientist Competition on Wednesday.Sixty high school pupils from around the country are competing for thetop prizes, which include a full university scholarship and anopportunity to compete in the world Intel and the European Unioncompetition for young scientists. The participants, including 21 girls,will be presented with prizes and certificates by President ShimonPeres at Beit Hanassi in the afternoon.Intel-Israel identifies the most promising and helps them prepare theirentry and make contacts with businesses that might be interested inimplementing their ideas, Yishai Frankel, director of development atIntel’s Jerusalem facility, told The Jerusalem Post.A minority of the projects were in the social sciences and humanities;these included studies of the attitude of Druse to the pre-state JewishYishuv and their service in the IDF of the young state, and the Britishrelationship with Nazi Germany.