Bill to limit hospital parking lot charges approved for reading by ministerial committee
MK Sheetrit picked up on the idea raised by Channel 2’s morning news program.
By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICHMeir Sheetrit(photo credit: Miiam Alster)
The Ministerial Committee on Legislation passed a private member’s bill by MK Meir Sheetrit (Hatnua) on Monday to restrict prices for parking in public hospital parking lots.Sheetrit picked up on the idea raised by Channel 2’s morning news program.He said hospital parking lots were charging between NIS 20 and “dozens of shekels” a day for parking by patients, families and friends, and that the fee should be limited.“It is unthinkable that hospitals should be making money at the expense of patients,” Sheetrit said.According to the bill, which must now go for its first, second and third readings, the cost of parking per day must be no more than NIS 10. Representatives of the various ministries will meet with Sheetrit soon to reach understandings about the legislation.Construction and Housing Minister Uri Ariel (Bayit Yehudi), a member of the committee, said the bill would finally put an end to the practice by hospitals of taking advantage of the pressures on patients and families.At present, Ariel said, families must “think twice if they can visit hospitalized patients.”