TOURSBeautiful Nahal Cos – Take a hike with the SPNI Jerusalem Bird Observatory in this beautiful valley that goes down from Gilo to Malka. • 9 a.m. Info and registration: 052-386-9488. NIS 25.
29 SATURDAY MUSICBel Canto – Ira Bartman, soprano; Maria Joffee, soprano and Felix Lifschitz, tenor and the Jerusalem Festival Orchestra, conducted by Vladimir Barshevitz. Works by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini, Bellini and Pergolesi and Neapolitan songs. • 12 noon at the Latrun Monastery. Info: 535-6954; 052-326- 5915. NIS 100.Between Madrid and Buenos Aires – Latin favorites with Raphael Gal and the Rolatino ensemble. • 12:30 p.m. at the Beit Jamal Monastery. Info and tickets: 054-474-4799. NIS 60.Musical Winter at Abu Gosh – Bach in Versailles with the Barrocade ensemble: Patrick Cohen- Akenine, violin and conductor; Yaela Avital, soprano and Katya Polin and Shay Kribus, recorders. Works by Bach and Rameau. • 12 noon at the Kiryat Yearim Church, Abu Gosh. Info: 623-7000. NIS 99.Harel Skaat – Smooth-singing pop musician. • 8 p.m. at The Lab, 28 Derech Hebron. Info: 629-2000. NIS 90/100.Kool Klezmer – Live nigunim of old, Hassidic melodies, Yiddish songs, Carlebach nigunim and more. • 9 p.m. at Yung YiDiSH, 52 Rehov Yermiyahu. Info: 500-1395; 03-687-4433. NIS 30/40.Yehuda Poliker – Legendary Israeli rocker. • 9 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatere. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 199.Michael Greilsammer – Reggae violin. • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info: 679-4040. NIS 50/55/60.Jane – Rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike's Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531-3255. No cover.Footsteps – Paul and Marcie Forrest present “Folk, Baroque and Roll” – with guitar and flute. • 10 p.m. at the Moise Restaurant, 49 Derech Hebron. Info: 054-546-2851. NIS 25.From Madrid to South America – Raphael Gal and the Rolatino ensemble take you on a romantic musical journey with Latin music hits. • 12:30 p.m. at the Beit Jamal Monastery. Info and tickets: 054- 474-4799. NIS 60.Abraham Tal – Featuring songs from his recent hit album, along with songs from his original group “Shotei Hanevuah.” • 9:15 p.m. at the Rebecca Crown Auditorium, Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 119.THEATERSkin Of Our Teeth – 8:30 p.m. See Sunday’s listings.COMEDYJerusalem Blend – With Jeremy Man, the political man of c, and Baruch Spier, the journalist, reporting funny to you. • 9 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 40/50 (Includes a free drink).TALKS The Censor and Me – With Ambassador Yehuda Avner. • 8 p.m. at The Jerusalem Great Synagogue, 56 King George Avenue. Free admission.CHILDRENGulliver – Based on the classic book by Jonathan Swift. For ages 4 and up, in Hebrew. • 11 a.m. at the Train Theater, Liberty Bell Park. Info: 561-8514. NIS 40.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows – A screening of the film, dubbed in Hebrew, beginning with a 30 minute workshop about “Myths of Harry Potter.” In Hebrew. • 11 a.m. at The Jerusalem Cinemateque, 11 Rehov Derech Hebron. Info: 565- 4333; NIS 37.Dr. Molecule – Learn about science in a humorous way. In Hebrew. • 1 p.m. at the Bloomfield Science Museum, Givat Ram. Info: 654-4888. NIS 15.30 SUNDAYMUSICYa-aleh V'yavo – The Shira Chadasha choir performs a collection of baroque, classical, modern Israeli and jazz songs, accompanied by a dialogue between a new olah and a native Israeli. For women only. In Hebrew. • 8 p.m. at the Harmonia Cultural Center, 27 Rehov Hillel. Info and reservations: 052- 374-5628. NIS 30 (Proceeds will be donated to “Shachen Tov”).Pavarotti Tribute – A concert in memory of Luciano Pavarotti, with singers from La Scala and the Monte Carlo Opera. • 8:30 p.m. at Binyenei Ha’uma.Etnahta – The Aviv quartet: Sergey Ostrovsky and Evgenia Epshtein, violins; Timor Jacobov, viola; Aleksandr Khramouchin, cello; with Chen Halevi, clarinet; Mauricio Paez, bassoon; Hezi Nir, horn; Nir Comforty, double bass; Daniel Johannsen, tenor; Daniel Gortler, piano. Performing works by Schubert. • 5 p.m. (Free tickets distributed from 4 p.m.) at the Henry Crown Hall, Jerusalem Theater, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info: 560-5757.The Joke – The Carmel quartet: Tomer Lev, piano; Rachel Ringelstein, violin; Lia Raichlin, violin; Yoel Greenberg, viola and guest Tami Waterman, cello, perform Haydn’s “The Joke”. • 8 p.m. at the Mormon University (The Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies), Mount of Olives. Info:; 626-5666.THEATERSkin Of Our Teeth – A Center Stage Theater production of the Thorton Wilder drama, directed by Eryn London. The Pulitzer Prize winning drama is an amalgam of the modern age and prehistoric/ biblical times. • 8 p.m. at Center Stage Theater, 7a Rehov Dor Dor VeDorshav. Info and reservations: 052-603-9115; NIS 40/50/60.COMEDYPoetry Slam and Open Mic – Poets face off in three rounds of spoken word to win a 100 shekel prize. With host, Sadie Lynn. • 9 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34-Ben Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info: 054-457-5168; NIS 20 (includes a free drink).TALKSFluctuations in Time-Space – With Prof. Tal Alexander of the Weizmann Institute. In Hebrew. • 5 p.m. at the Wise Auditorium, Givat Ram campus of Hebrew University. Info: 658-6256; No admission charge.TOURSIn the Footsteps of the Women of Jerusalem – Discover the love stories of Jerusalem, in the Russian Compound and on Rehov Hanevi'im, with Carol Caplan. • 10 a.m. at Beit Sergei, 13 Rehov Heleni Hamalka. Info: 671-3770; 054-522-1665. NIS 50.
31 MONDAYMUSICIsrael Philharmonic – Semi-staged opera "The Barber of Seville" by Rossinni with Roberto Abbado, conductor, soloists and the Gary Bertini Israeli Choir. • 8:30 p.m. at Binyenei Ha'uma. Info and reservations: 1-700-70-3030.Youth at the Center – Doron Schleifer, countertenor; Dan Dunkelblum, tenor; Ori Harmelin, theorbo and Elam Rotem, harpsichord, perform Italian love songs from the 17th century. • 5 p.m. at the Jerusalem Music Center, Mishkenot Sha'ananim. Info: 624-1041. Free.Music on Monday – Rami Feinstein, vocals and guitar with band. • 9 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info: 621-5900. NIS 20/40.Women’s Only Karaoke – Join the jewels of Jerusalem in karaoke, kumzits, and creativity. For women only. • 7 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 15 (includes a drink).THEATER
Shulem – A powerful play by Gabriella Lev, about a family who experiences tragedy but allows love and art to triumph over reality. • 8:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and tickets: 624-4585; Comedy Open Mic Night – All performances welcome.• 10 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. One drink minimum purchase.ARTSalon Conversations – From academism to impressionism with a glimpse into artist-collector Jacques Lipchitz's studio. With curator Tanya Sirakovich. • 6:30 p.m. in the Youth Wing Auditorium, Israel Museum. Info and reservations: 670-8813; 670-8960. NIS 70/80.
The Little Mermaid – The Israel production of the classic Disney story. For ages 3-8, in Hebrew. • 4:30 p.m. at the Sherover Theatre, Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info: 560-5755. NIS 189.Big Art for Little Artists – A series of meetings with Michal Kerer, with storytelling to inspire children to create their own works of art.• 4:30 p.m. ages 4-6; 5:30 p.m. ages 7-9 at The Israel Museum. Info: 670-8811. NIS 25/30.Nature Museum Storytime – Stories about nature, with a petting zoo and art workshop. For ages 3-7. In Hebrew. • 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. at the Nature Museum, 6 Rehov Mohliver. Info: 563-1116. NIS 20.1 TUESDAYMUSICJerusalem Baroque Orchestra – Harmony of tastes: Maggie Faultless, conductor and solo violin and Noam Schuss, violin. Works by Corelli, Couperin, Lully, Muffat and Bach. • 8:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem YMCA, 26 King David Street. Info: 623-7000. NIS 105/125.Tuesday Nights at Nava Tehila – Roni Ish-Ran performs original songs and traditional piyutim with Ariel Ozeri, guitar, and Ivan Chershnesh, percussion. • 8:30 p.m. at the Nature Museum, 6 Rehov Hamagid. Info: 671-6636. NIS 30/50.Submarine Jazz – With the Yoav Columbus quartet.• 9:30 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info: 679-4040. No cover.THEATER Love Sick – A Hulagab Ethiopian-Israeli production about three love stories, each intertwined with verses from “The Song of Songs.” In Hebrew. • 8:30 p.m. at the Lab, 28 Derech Hebron. Info and reservations: 629-2000. NIS 60.ART Throne of the Messiah – Mount Meron’s holy sites have enjoyed frequent artistic depiction. Rachel Sarfati, curator in the Wing for Jewish Art and Life, tells about the sites and the people associated with them. • 6 p.m. in the Springer Auditorium, Israel Museum. Info: 670-8811. NIS 20.The Thicket – The thicket is a prevalent motif in the works of photographers Gilad Ophir and Sharon Ya’ari, who both focus on the traces left in landscape by urban development and wasteland. With exhibition curator Timna Seligman. • 7 p.m. at the Israel museum. Info: 670-8811. Free.TOURS Musrara: A Neighborhood in Transition – With Carol Caplan.• 2 p.m. at Beit Sergei, 13 Rehov Heleni Hamalka. Info: 054-522-1665; 671-3770. NIS 50.CHILDRENDespite it All, You Shall Move! – Story, movement , and art with dancer alit Etrog Heiman. For ages 4-8. • 5 p.m. at the Israel Museum. Info: 670- 8811. NIS 15.2 WEDNESDAYMUSICJerusalem Symphony – Conducted by Ilan Volkov, with Matan Porat on piano, performing works by Hajdu, Prokofiev and Tchaikovsky. • 8 p.m. at the Henry Crown Auditorium, Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and tickets: 1-700- 70-4000; 561-1498/9.Barrocade – Folk-baroque program. • 8:30 p.m. at the Khan Theater, 2 Rehov David Remez. Info: 630-3600.Deep in Dew – Pianist Marina Maximilian Blumin performs songs from her debut album, along with beloved classics. • 9 p.m. at the Rebecca Crown Auditorium, Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info: 560-5755. NIS 120.Rebbe Soul CD Release – Concert in honor of Rebbe Soul’s new album, “From Another World” – instrumental interpretations of the music of Reb Shlomo Carlebach. • 8 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 25/60.Rockers – Acoustic rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike's Place, 33 Jaffa Road. No cover.THEATERBroken Voices – A story about a broken family living in a broken city, and the common difficulties. In Hebrew. • 8:30 p.m. at the The Martef Theater, 7 Rehov Emek Refaim (entrance from Peterson alley). Info: 563-9975. NIS 50.Skin Of Our Teeth – See Sunday’s listings.DANCEWe Love Fire – A new performance by Jasmine Goder set to waltz classics. • 8:30 p.m. at The Lab, 28 Derech Hebron. Info: 629-2000. NIS 70/80.TALKSA Song of Pain – A series of presentations on the topic of Israeli protest songs. With Yudit Shahaf, Mati Shmuelof, and musician Amir Lev. In Hebrew. • 9 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info: 621-5900.Just Love – A series of lectures on the love poems of Yehuda Amihai and others. With poets Rivka Miriam and Almog Bahar. In Hebrew. • 8:30 p.m. at the Confederation House, 12 Rehov Emil Bota. Info and reservations: 623-7000. NIS 25.Archaeology vs. History – The struggle for citizenship between gentiles and Jews in Caesarea, with Prof. Joseph Patrich of the Hebrew University. In Hebrew. • 7:30 p.m. at the Bible Lands Museum, 25 Rehov Granot. Info and reservations: 561-1066; Free with admission to the museum.The Relevance of Halacha to Modern Issues – With Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. In Hebrew. • 8 p.m. at The Jerusalem Great Synagogue, 56 King Avenue. Free admission.
TOURSTour with Jack: Nachlaot and Shuk Mahane Yehuda – A walking tour with licensed guide Jack Cadranel. • 9:30 a.m. at the corner of King George and Agrippas Streets. Info and registration: 054- 647-8955; NIS 60.CHILDRENGoldilocks and the Three Bears – The classic tale, with Michal Tsafir, Tzachi Noy, Natan Natanson and Ella Armoni. For ages 3-7, in Hebrew. • 5:30 p.m. at the Sherover Theatre, Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info: 560-5755. NIS 75.3 THURSDAYMUSICAeterna – “La Clementina” by Boccherini. • 8 p.m. at the Hirsch Theater, Beit Shmuel, 6 Rehov Shama. Info: 054-474-4799. NIS 100.The Joy of Swing – With the Shai Brenner jazz quartet: Shai Brenner, soprano saxophone; Roni Zur, piano; Dimitri Grodzki, contrabass; and Sergei Malov, drums. • 8 p.m. at the Mormon University (The Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies), Mount of Olives. Info:; 626- 5666.Music at the College – With Yeela Avital, soprano and the Atar Trio, performing Israeli classics and folk songs. • 8 p.m. at The Hebrew Union College, 13 King David Street. Info and reservations: 620- 3333. NIS 50/60.Hadag Nachash – Israeli hip hop funk. • 8 p.m. at The Lab, 28 Derech Hebron. Info: 629-2000. NIS 90/110.Makam – The second in a new series on the makam, Arabic music scales used in traditional Sephardic music. In Hebrew. • 9 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info: 621-5900. NIS 20/40.Hatikva 6 – Unique Israeli reggae. • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info: 054-599-9244. NIS 55/60/65.Hamakor – Rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike's Place, 33 Jaffa Road. No cover.THEATERBroken Voices – See Wednesday’s listings.Skin Of Our Teeth – See Sunday’s listings.COMEDYTour of Funny through the Holy Land – What your tour guide didn’t tell you. With David Kilimnick, incorporating routines from his shows “The Aliyah Monologues,” “Find Me A Wife,” “Frum From Birth” and more. • 8:30 p.m. at The Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 40/50 (includes a free drink).4 FRIDAYMIXED BAGFreecycling Market – Get rid of your junk and collect other people’s, and enjoy vegan food along the way. • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Ginger Vegetarian Community Center, 8 Rehov Balfour. Info: 566-5737.