The University Botanical Gardens hosts a duet between Israeli rock legends Shlomo Gronich and Matti Caspi.
By IN JERUSALEM STAFFMatti Caspi and Shlomo Gronich 250(photo credit: Courtesy)Information on events in and around Jerusalem may be submitted to INJERUSALEMEVENTS@GMAIL.COM, or mailed to In Jerusalem, PO Box 81, 91000 Jerusalem. Please indicate “Capital Calendar” clearly on all submissions. The deadline for submissions is THURSDAY, 8 DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION AT 4 P.M. Events are in English unless otherwise noted.FRIDAY 13MUSICIdan Elterman and the Magical Mystery Tour – The comedian joins forces with the rock band, performing classic rock hits translated into Hebrew. • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info and reservations: 679-4040. NIS 60/65/70.MIXED BAGAuthors at the Gardens – Guided tours, followed by a discussion with author Ze’ev Begin, in Hebrew. • 10 a.m. the tour begins, followed by the author discussion at 11 a.m. at the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens. Info and reservations: 679-4012. NIS 50 (includes refreshments).SATURDAY 14MUSICFrom Russia with Love – Featuring Eliakum Salzman, violin; Kirill Mihanovsky, cello and Marianna Sorkin, piano, performing works by Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. • 11 a.m. at the Ein Kerem Music Center. Info and reservations: 641-4250. NIS 60-75.Diwan Halev – A rich and diverse instrumental and vocal ensemble performing songs, liturgical poems and prayers. • 9:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 72/90/130.
Shlomo Bar and The Natural Selection – Israeli and world music with traditional Jewish influences. • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info and reservations: 679-4040. NIS 60/65/70.Rock-Country-Folk – With Lilach Sheer and Arnon Ziv performing folk and country hits. • 12 noon at the Latrun Monastery. Info and reservations: 535- 6954. NIS 80.Audio Toilet – Alternative rock. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info and reservations: 054- 816-5488. No cover charge.Lazy Gordon – Rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531-3255. No cover charge.Micha Shitrit – An intimate performance, featuring Micha Shitrit discussing his childhood and influences. In Hebrew. • 10:30 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621- 5900. NIS 30/50 (includes a free drink).THEATERGrocery Store – A co-production of the Cameri Theatre and Beit Lessin about Jaffa in the 1970s. Written and directed by Hillel Mittelpunkt. In Hebrew. • 9:15 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 200.COMEDYJerusalem Blend – Featuring Baruch Spier and Elena Sagresti. • 9:45 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 40/50 (includes a free drink).TOURSSouthern Wall Excavations – Conducted by the Jerusalem Development Authority. • 10 a.m. at Safra Square, 20 Jaffa Road. Info: 106; 671-5288. Free.SUNDAY 15MUSIC Baroque Era Chamber Music – With Zvi Meniker, harpsichord; Avner Geiger, traverso; Jonathan Keren, Baroque violin and Ira Givol, Baroque cello, performing works by Bach and Telemann. • 8 p.m. at the Mormon University (The Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies), Mount of Olives. Info: 626-5666.A Meeting of Musicians – Rock and blues jam sessions. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info and reservations: 054-816-5488. No cover charge.Ofer Amichai – Acoustic rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531-3255. No cover charge.THEATERThe Anthology – The story of Zalma Greenwald, a Holocaust survivor who forces her son to be the second generation in contemporary conflict-ridden Israel. • 8:30 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900. NIS 30/60.Grocery Store – 8:30 p.m., with English subtitles. See Saturday’s listings.TALKS1948 – 1967, The Untold Stories – An Emunah seminar with guest speaker Asher Cailingold. • 8 p.m. at Emunah, 6 Rehov Arlozorov. Info and registration: 563- 9963 (ext. 101). NIS 20/25.Were We Really Exiled? – Myth, imagination and history, with Prof. Yisrael Yuval of the Hebrew University. In Hebrew. • 5 p.m. at the Weiss Hall, Givat Ram campus of Hebrew University. Info: 658-6256.MIXED BAGFashion Event – The OSFA summer collections comes to Jerusalem, with imports from Italy, the US and selected Israeli designers, with music and wine. • 4 p.m. – 10 p.m. at the Events Gallery, 28 King David Street. Info: Workshop – Cooking for one or two. • 1:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Culinary Institute, 6 Rehov Yad Harutzim. Info and reservations: 992-3128; NIS 150 (10% discount for AACI and OU members).Support Group for Mothers of Children with Diabetes – Facilitated by Rosie Einhorn, LCSW. • 10:30 a.m. at Bishvilaych, 11 Rehov Beit Hadfus, lobby 4. Info and registration: 502-1096.MONDAY 16MUSIC Etnahta – Featuring Nachum Erlich, violin and Siegfried Mauser, piano, performing works by Schubert, Wieniawski, Janacek, Bloch and Brahms. • 5 p.m. (free tickets distributed at the theater from 4 p.m.) at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info: 560-5755.The Adama Ensemble – Led by Itamar Erez, they present arrangements of modern jazz and world music. • 9 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900. NIS 20/50.Tamar and Michael – Rock covers. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info and reservations: 054- 816-5488. No cover charge.THEATERGrocery Store – 8:30 p.m. See Saturday’s listings.COMEDYComedy and Poetry Open Mic – Share in the development of Jerusalem-based expression. • 10 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben- Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. One drink minimum purchase.TALKSYoung Judea – Nine months in Israel: A life-changing experience. With several of this year’s participants recounting experiences and answering questions. • 10a.m. at Beit Frankforter, 80 Derech Beit Lehem. NIS 10.Gypsies in Jerusalem – Hitachdut Olei Britania presents a lecture by Amoun Sleem, director of the Domari Society of Gypsies in Jerusalem. • 3:30 p.m. at Yad Sarah, 124 Rehov Herzl. For info contact Newman: 652-5763. NIS 20/25.Shakespeare – On his life and the Elizabethan theater. With David Young. • 10 a.m. at the AACI, 2 Rehov Poalei Tzedek (corner of Pierre Koenig, opposite Hadar Mall). Info and registration: 566-1181. NIS 30/40.TOURSGetting To Know the Shuk – Sybil Kaplan shows participants an insider’s view of the shuk. • 9:15 a.m. and 5 p.m. Info and registration: 566-1181. NIS 35/45.Tour with Jack, Rehavia – Yekkes in Spanish streets. A walking tour with licensed guide Jack Cadranel. • 9:30 a.m. at the corner of King George and Keren Kayemet streets. Info and registration (required): 054-647-8955; NIS 60.CHILDRENGigi Gigonet in the World of Children – A fantasy world without rules or grown-ups. With Galit Kulpinsky-Dagan and Alon Levi. In Hebrew, for ages 3-7. • 5:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 70.Big Art for Little Artists – With Michal Kerer, storytelling inspiring children to create their own works of art. • 4:30 p.m. for ages 4-6; 5:30 p.m. for ages 7-9 at the Israel Museum. Info: 670-8813. NIS 25/30.MIXED BAGWomen’s-Only Game Show Night – With host Airy Ellis. • 7 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben- Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 15.Cooking Workshop – Classic French with a twist. • 9:30 a.m. at the Jerusalem Culinary Institute, 6 Rehov Yad Harutzim. Info and reservations: 992-3128; NIS 150 (10% discount for AACI and OU members).TUESDAY 17MUSICSubmarine Jazz – A-mehaya! performs music influenced by jazz and klezmer but taken to a whole new level of Balkan and Yemenite styles. • 9:30 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info and reservations: 679- 4040.Free.Open Mic – With Mike Perry. Enjoy late-night professional and amateur singing with your friends. • 9:30 p.m. sign up; shows begin at 10 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. One drink minimum purchase.Sonia – Folk music. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info and reservations: 054-816- 5488. No cover charge.THEATERGrocery Store – 5 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. with English subtitles. See Saturday’s listings.COMEDYSlaughtering the Cow – “The seven sins” with Yair Lehman and Inbal Lori. In Hebrew. • 10 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900.ARTMug Shots: Studies in Black and White – With artist Kurt Knobelsdorf. • 8 p.m. at the Annex, 4 Rehov Yad Harutzim. Free.Life: A User’s Manual – With exhibition curator Aya Miron. In Hebrew. • 7 p.m. at the Israel Museum. Info: 670-8811. Free with museum admission.Meet the Artist – Guy Ben-Ner discusses his perspective and work. In Hebrew. • 8 p.m. at the Springer Auditorium, Israel Museum. Info and reservations: 670- 8813. NIS 15/55 (includes Museum admission).TALKSAmit Women’s Annual Spring Symposium – Jerusalem challenges of ethical behavior with Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Zevulun Hammer, Dr. Rachel Nissanholtz-Gannot and Asher Meir. • 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Amit Beit Hayeled, 9 Rehov Hashayis, Gilo. Info and reservations: 679-0148; 673-8360. Admission NIS 50; sponsor NIS 250.TOURSJaffa Road Walking Tour – Explore Jerusalem’s main artery to the coast for centuries and the different neighborhoods built off the road, with Miriam Simon. • 9 a.m. at Tzahal Square, across from Jaffa Gate. Info and reservations: 054-521-6933. NIS 50.Jerusalem Archaeology – Jerusalem’s archaeological garden and the Temple Mount, with Yuval Baruch, district archaeologist, IAA. In Hebrew. • Info and reservations (required): 561-1066. NIS 120/130.CHILDRENPeter and the Wolf – A show combining marionettes and shadows. For ages 4 and up; in Hebrew. • 5 p.m. at the Train Theater, Liberty Bell Park. Info and reservations: 561-8514. NIS 30.Lag Ba’Omer Fun with Mimi – Songs, stories and marshmallow fun. • 4:30 p.m. at the AACI, 2 Rehov Poalei Tzedek (corner of Pierre Koenig, opposite Hadar Mall). Info and registration (required): 566- 1181. NIS 25/30.Recycle Workshop – Children create works of art out of recycled materials. Ages 3-9. • 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Israel Museum Youth Wing. Info: 670-8963. NIS 15.Tom the Giant – Presented by Koom Koom Theater. For ages 3-8; in Hebrew. • 5:40 p.m. at the Koom Koom Theater, 22 Rehov Shivtei Yisrael. Info and reservations: 050-770-5389. NIS 20.MIXED BAGExperiential Workshop for Couples – On improving relationships, for couples of all ages. In Hebrew. • Evening hours at Merkaz Edna, 37 Rehov Pierre Koenig (2 Poalei Tzedek Street), across from the Hadar Mal. Info: 679-0646. NIS 600 for all three sessions.Cooking Workshop – French bistro: Boeuf bourguignon; children’s pasta workshop. • 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. respectively at the Jerusalem Culinary Institute, 6 Rehov Yad Harutzim. Info and reservations: 992-3128; NIS 180; NIS 75 for children (10% discount for AACI and OU members).Spiritual Support as a Therapeutic Language in Israeli Society – The 8th Tishkofet spiritual care conference for professionals. • Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the Judea guesthouse, Givat Masua. Info: 1-599-550-066; 18MUSIC Umlala – The Jerusalem-based rock band performs in honor of the release of their debut album and single, “Umlala.” • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info and reservations: 679-4040. NIS 40/45/50.Nolan Goldfain – Blues, indie and folk music. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info and reservations: 054-816-5488. No cover charge.Mike and Sahron – Acoustic rock and blues. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054- 531-3255. No cover charge.THEATERKohav Yair – Habima Theatre presents a play by Shlomi Moskowitz about a young Ukrainian woman in the IDF and her relationship with a famous author. In Hebrew, with nudity and adult language. • 8:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 200.COMEDYStand-up Marathon with Open Mic – Host Edan Mizrachi takes the new comedians of Israel to the stage, in Hebrew. • 10:30 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 20.TALKSHidden Shuls – The hidden synagogues of the Adenites in East Africa and the shuls of the Horn of Africa and Djerba. With Ari Greenspan and Ari Zivotofsky. • 7 p.m. at the Israel Center, 22 Rehov Keren Hayesod. Info and reservations: 054-331-3071. NIS 10.Wisdom of the Body – A lecture on the wisdom of the female body, with Sil’it Elor. In Hebrew. • 8 p.m. at Tal Torah, 43 Rehov Emek Refaim (above aroma). Info and reservations: 566-5403. NIS 25.Jews in Ecuador 1933-1960 – What were the Jews doing in Ecuador? What is their story? With Dr. Gabriel Alexander, presented by the Israel Genealogical Society. • 7:30 p.m. at Beit Frankforter, 80 Derech Beit Lehem. Info: 561-8153; Program – Debbie Gross, founder of Israel’s first Rape Crisis Center, will speak about her work. • 11 a.m. at the AACI, 2 Rehov Poalei Tzedek (corner of Pierre Koenig, opposite Hadar Mall). Info: 566-1181. NIS 5/15.Eternal Memory in Ancient Egypt – With Dr. Raheli Shlomi-Hen, TA University. • 7:30 p.m. at the Bible Lands Museum, 25 Rehov Granot. Info: 561-1066. Free.The Other Woman – “Ideal vs. reality: The ‘other woman’ in Japanese theater,” with Dr. Kinneret Noy; “The wife, the lover and the new woman: Representations of femininity in Chinese films,” with Dror Kochan. • 8 p.m. at Ticho House, 9 Rehov Harav Kook. Info: 670-8813. NIS 35/45.Isaiah’s Assyria in Daniel – With Dr. Andrew Titer of Harvard University. • 12:30 p.m. in the Rabin Building, Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew University. Info: 588-3605.Poetry and Immigration – With Yossi Alfi and Miron Izakson, discussing poetry, immigration and local identity. In Hebrew. • 8 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900.TOURSTour with Jack, the City of David – With licensed guide Jack Cadranel. • 2:30 p.m. at the ticket office of the Ir David Visitors’ Center. • Info and registration (required): 054-647-8955; NIS 60 + NIS 32 site fees.CHILDRENThe Donut – The Russian legend about a donut that flees into the forest and meets a bear, fox and other creatures who want to eat her. In Hebrew. • 6 p.m. at Beit Shmuel, 6 Rehov Shamai. Info and reservations: 620-3455. NIS 65.MIXED BAGCooking Workshop – Sushi rolls; tea breads. • 6 p.m. at the Jerusalem Culinary Institute, 6 Rehov Yad Harutzim. Info and reservations: 992-3128; NIS 150 (10% discount for AACI and OU members).Discover Yourself through Chinese Medicine – Explore a new outlook on health and health problems.• 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the AACI, 2 Rehov Poalei Tzedek (corner of Pierre Koenig, opposite Hadar Mall). Info and registration (required): 566-1181.Getting Younger As You Age – A seminar about incorporating exercise and healthy eating in our daily lives. With Alan Freishtat, fitness trainer; Linda Holtz, cognitive behavioral therapist; and Howie Kahn, a successful graduate of the program. • 7:30 p.m. at the AACI, 2 Rehov Poalei Tzedek. Info and registration: 654-0728. NIS 20/25.THURSDAY 19MUSICThe Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia – The composer and master of the Indian flute. In conjunction with Confederation House as part of the Indian Music Festival. • 9 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 120.Sagiv Cohen – In honor of the upcoming release of his new album, Sagiv Cohen returns to the stage, blending modern Israeli music with authentic Mizrahi roots. • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info and reservations: 679-4040. NIS 60/65/70.You and I Will Change the World – Songs and stories of Arik Einstein, with Nava Shpitzer and Moshe Turgemon. • 9 p.m. at the Prima Royale Hotel, 3 Rehov Mendele Moher Sefarim. Info and reservations: 560-7111. NIS 55.Blues Train – Rock, blues and folk cover. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info and reservations: 054-816-5488. No cover charge.Hebee Geebee’s – Electric blues. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531-3255. No cover charge.THEATERMorris Shimmel – A co-production of the Habima Theatre and the Haifa Theatre about a tragic hero suspended between the dismal reality of his life and his unrealized aspirations. In Hebrew. • 9 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 200.COMEDYThe Aliyah Monologues – Tour of funny through the Holy Land with David Kilimnick. • 8:30 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 40/50 (includes a free drink).Stand-up Comedy – Some of Israel’s finest comedians perform with Jerusalem’s Eidan Mizrachi, in Hebrew. • 10:30 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 35/45 (includes a free drink).TALKSMasks Off – The Jerusalem a-cappella singers, conducted by Judi Axelrod, perform works by Nino Rota and Kurt Weill; Lux Aurumque by Eric Whitacre; Shakespeare songs by Vaughan Williams. • 8 p.m. at the Augusta Victoria Church, Mount of Olives. Info: 052-470-9249; 050-656-0999. NIS 40/60.Avot, A Look at the Fathers – On Rabban Gamliel, with Prof. Avigdor Shinan and Rabbi Shai Piron. In Hebrew. • 8 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900.CHILDRENRide on a Broom – Hamatmon Theater presents an Avi Shaharon play, based on the book by Julia Donaldson, about a rowdy bunch of animals and their journey on a broom. • 5:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 75.MIXED BAGCooking Workshop – Vegetarian Indian delights; healthy Yemenite dishes; cupcakes for children. • 9:30 a.m.; 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. respectively at the Jerusalem Culinary Institute, 6 Rehov Yad Harutzim. Info and reservations: 992-3128; NIS 150 (10% discount for AACI and OU members).FRIDAY 20MUSICRock Kabalat Shabbat – The University Botanical Gardens hosts a duet between Israeli rock legends Shlomo Gronich and Matti Caspi. • 4:30 p.m. at the University Botanical Gardens, Givat Ram. Info and reservations: 648-0059. NIS 90/100/110.TOURSArt in the Desert – View mosaics from Judea, Samaria and Gaza at the Good Samaritan, followed by a visit to the Moshe Castel Museum, with licensed guide Helen Cohn. • Info and reservations (required): 054 308 1150. NIS 60 (plus site entrance fees).Jaffa Road Walking Tour – Explore Jerusalem’s main artery to the coast for centuries and the different neighborhoods built off the road, with Miriam Simon. • 9 a.m. at Tzahal Square, across from Jaffa Gate. Info and reservations: 054-521-6933. NIS 50.