The 15 Best Christmas Tree Shops for 2023

Discover the top 15 Christmas tree shops for 2023. From sustainable options at The Living Christmas Co to the vast selection at Wayfair and Amazon, find the perfect tree for your festive celebrations

  (photo credit: AdobeStock)
(photo credit: AdobeStock)

As the holiday season approaches, finding the perfect Christmas tree becomes a top priority. This article will guide you through the 15 best Christmas tree shops of 2023, offering a variety of options to suit every style, preference, and budget. From traditional evergreens to modern, unconventional designs, these shops provide everything you need for a festive holiday experience.

Our Top Choice - The Living Christmas Co

The Living Christmas Co stands out for its commitment to sustainability and its unique approach to the holiday season. Offering rental services for living Christmas trees, this company allows you to enjoy a real tree without the associated waste. Their environmentally friendly practices, combined with excellent customer service, make them a top choice for eco-conscious consumers.

 Things to Consider When Choosing a Christmas Tree Shop

1. Variety and Selection: Look for shops with a wide range of trees, including different species and sizes, as well as both real and artificial options.

2. Sustainability: Consider the environmental impact of your tree, especially if opting for a real one. Choose shops that use sustainable farming practices or offer eco-friendly alternatives like biodegradable artificial trees.

3. Decorations and Accessories: A shop that also provides ornaments, lights, and other decorations can enhance your overall decorating experience.

4. Customer Service and Convenience: Good customer service, including delivery and return options, is crucial for a hassle-free experience. Online shopping options can also add convenience.


The Best 15 Christmas Tree Shops

1. The Living Christmas Co: Known for sustainable, rental Christmas trees, offering an eco-friendly holiday solution.

2. Wayfair: A vast selection of artificial trees, including budget-friendly options and unique designs like upside-down trees.

3. Amazon: Offers a wide variety of trees from multiple sellers, with options for every style and budget. 

4. King of Christmas: Specializes in high-quality artificial trees, including pre-lit and flocked options, with a focus on craftsmanship.

5. Home Depot: Provides a wide range of both artificial and live trees, with the unique option of live tree delivery.

6. Evergreen Delights (via Amazon): Known for their lush and fragrant trees, offering a wide variety of choices.

7. Winter Wonderland Trees (via Amazon): Offers unique and awe-inspiring trees for a standout holiday decor.

8. Pine Grove Paradise: Renowned for its sustainable and eco-friendly tree options.

9. Frosty’s Firs (via Amazon): A family-owned business providing a warm and personal shopping experience.

10. Tannenbaum Treasures (via Amazon): Boasts a stunning collection of ornaments and tree decorations.

11. Balsam Hill: Known for its realistic artificial trees and high-end holiday decorations.

12. National Tree Company: Offers a wide range of realistic artificial trees, including the popular Downswept Douglas fir.

13. Best Choice Products: Features trees that are both stable and aesthetically pleasing, including spruce trees with berries and pine cones.

14. Frontgate: Offers luxury artificial trees with high-quality lighting and realistic appearance.

15. Lowe’s: Provides a broad selection of Christmas trees, with options for every style and budget.


In summary, our top choice, The Living Christmas Co, stands out for its sustainable approach to Christmas decorations. The first runner-up, Wayfair, offers an extensive selection of budget-friendly artificial trees. The second runner-up, Amazon, provides a vast range of options catering to various preferences. Each of these shops offers unique benefits, from eco-friendliness to wide selections and unique designs, ensuring that you can find the perfect tree for your holiday season.

Q&A Section 

Q1: How can I ensure the Christmas tree I buy online will look as good in person?

A1: When buying online, read customer reviews and look at user-submitted photos to get a realistic idea of the tree's appearance. Pay attention to details like the fullness, color, and look of the branches. Some sites like Amazon and Wayfair offer extensive customer feedback, which can be very insightful.

Q2: What are the benefits of choosing an artificial Christmas tree over a real one?

A2: Artificial trees are reusable, making them cost-effective and environmentally friendly in the long run. They also don't require the maintenance that real trees do and are often easier to set up and decorate.

Q3: Can I find eco-friendly Christmas trees, and where?

A3: Yes, eco-friendly options are available. The Living Christmas Co, for example, offers rental services for living trees, which are then returned and replanted. Pine Grove Paradise focuses on sustainable and eco-friendly options.

Q4: What should I consider when choosing a Christmas tree if I have limited space?

A4: For smaller spaces, consider slim or pencil trees. Measure your space before shopping and look for trees that match your size constraints. Retailers like King of Christmas and Best Choice Products offer various sizes suitable for different spaces.

Q5: How can I ensure my Christmas tree fits my home's aesthetic?

A5: Choose a tree that complements your home's décor. Consider the tree's shape, color, and style. For a more modern look, retailers like Wayfair and Amazon offer unconventional trees, including colored and upside-down options.

Q6: Are pre-lit Christmas trees a good option?

A6: Pre-lit trees are convenient as they save time and effort in decorating. They come in various lighting options, like LED or incandescent. However, if a light goes out, it can be more challenging to replace. Brands like National Tree Company offer high-quality pre-lit trees.

Q7: How do I care for a live Christmas tree to keep it fresh throughout the season?

A7: Keep your live tree watered and away from heat sources. Trim the trunk before setting it up to enhance water absorption, and use a stand that holds enough water. Shops like Home Depot provide guidance on tree care.

Q8: What are some unique Christmas tree decoration ideas?

A8: Get creative with themes or personalized ornaments. DIY decorating ideas can add a personal touch. Tannenbaum Treasures offers custom-made, hand-painted ornaments for a unique look.

Q9: Can I find allergy-friendly Christmas trees?

A9: Yes, artificial trees are generally allergy-friendly as they don't carry the pollen and scent of real trees. Retailers like Balsam Hill and Frontgate offer hypoallergenic artificial trees.

Q10: What should I do with my Christmas tree after the holiday season?

A10: For live trees, check local recycling options for eco-friendly disposal. Artificial trees can be stored for future use. Retailers like The Living Christmas Co offer sustainable disposal options for rented trees.