European governments break promise of allowing 50,000 refugees entry
The European governments pledged to allow 50,000 refugees in by the end of October 2019, a promise that they will not be able to keep at this point.
By TAMAR URIEL-BEERIA general view of the Yazidi refugee camp on Mount Sinjar(photo credit: KHALID AL MOUSILY / REUTERS)
Several European governments who pledged to admit 50,000 refugees by the end of October this year will fail to do so, according to a report by German news agency Deutsche Welle.The EU has a resettlement program for refugees which was launched in 2017, but only 37,520 of the promised 50,000 refugees have arrived in Europe through the program as of yet, with under three weeks left.The refugees include numerous people detained in Libyan camps.A European Commission spokesperson said that the target will not be reached. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said that European countries were slow in fulfilling said promises, therein holding back the evacuation of people hurt or in danger due to civil war, and other humanitarian crises. "I both commend and continue calling on member states to step up their efforts and to make sure they deliver on their pledges as quickly as possible," said outgoing European Union migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos.