"Star Wars Online" features more than 100 items dating back decades, with prices ranging from 100 to 60,000 pounds, according to auction house Sotheby's.
Among the memorabilia is a prototype Imperial Stormtrooper helmet from 1976, which as an estimated price tag of 30,000 - 60,000 pounds ($38,490 - $76,980). A toy shop display of "The Empire Strikes Back" figures and Millennium Falcon ship is priced at 7,000 - 10,000 pounds.
A 1976 poster designed to promote the first "Star Wars" film "A New Hope" and signed by actor Mark Hamill has a price tag of 5,000 - 8,000 pounds.
It "has taken over a year to put together pieces from all over the world, combining film, original film posters, original concept, art works, props, toys," Bruce Marchant, film poster consultant for Sotheby's, told Reuters.
The online sale began last week and runs until Dec. 13.The film, "The Rise of Skywalker," begins its cinema roll-out from Dec. 18.