Are Clinton's, Obama's personalities revealed in their handwriting?
A handwriting analysis of Democratic presidential candidates Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama reveals complex personalities who are dealing with several emotional issues - some successfully, and some with difficulty.
Obama's huge signature is eye-catching. Graphologically speaking, this reflects a tremendous desire to be the center of attention. The rightward extensions at the end of his first and last names (A1, A2) are like a self-portrait showing that there is more to him than just a name.
A small middle zone (B1, B2) in his John Hancock represents strong powers of concentration. People who have small middle-zone letters (a, c, e and any letter that does not have an upper or lower loop), possess great proficiency in doing work, requiring attention to detail. Many scientists, Einstein among them, have very small or even microscopic middle-zone letters.
These lines are also written in a wavy fashion, without distinct shape. This shows changeability. The diplomat, who must often evade ticklish situations and not commit to a particular course of action, writes in this manner. Wavy-lined writing also denotes versatility.
There are no beginning strokes in Obama's signature (see C). This signifies someone who gets right down to the point without commotion. It is the handwriting of the mature individual.
His writing has much rhythm, charm, pressure and bounce. Combined with the openness on top of the "a" (see D), which indicates fluency, the Illinois senator radiates self-confidence and energy and is a quick-witted speaker.
Disproportionately heavy pressure is placed upon the horizontal stroke (E1), as the vertical stroke (E2) is written comparatively more lightly. The reverse is the norm. Writing in a downward direction predominantly employs the flexor muscles, whereas in a rightward direction, the extensor muscles are primarily used. The flexor muscles are stronger than the extensors, normally producing heavier pressure.
A heavier horizontal than vertical axis indicates that the mother is the actively domineering or aggressive head of the family; the father remains relatively weak and ineffectual, though perhaps a man of intellectual stature, or he may be hated, dead or absent. This handwriting characteristic indicates a child who feels neglected or overpowered by the mother, depending on whether her love is lacking or overwhelming.
Typically writers who put most of their pressure in the horizontal axis cannot conceive of their own limitations - nor can they stop "making the best of themselves" (overcompensation).
The way a man signs his first name reveals what the writer thinks of himself. The way he signs his surname hints at his feeling toward his family - particularly his father, since the surname represents him. The capital letter of Obama is written considerably smaller than the capital of Barack, an indication of hostility toward his father.
How one learns to write and how one's writing varies inform the graphologist as to what is distinctive about the writer. A script cannot be classified as a mere variation when the writer invents a unique form. This has the utmost significance when constructed in one's signature. This is a symbolic, and usually subconscious, self-evaluation.
Obama writes the capital letter of his surname as a circle and bisects it (F). The circle is the symbol for wholeness. Although in mathematics two halves equal a whole, when one feels emotionally split into two parts, incompleteness and negativity emerge. One who has not resolved heavy personal issues may, albeit subconsciously, not be completely objective when under pressure.
An analysis of Clinton's signature reveals that she's not as cold as rumored. Many politicians, due to their public lives, feel the need to impose a safeguard, and although her bolt-upright signature shows a cool approach to others, the body of her writing, "the real Hillary," does lean somewhat rightward toward her fellow man, reflecting some warmth.
Her printed capital letters (G1, G2) denote intelligence and culture. The breaks between letters (H) imply intuition. The spacing between the lines (I1, I2) is a little wider than average. This, combined with those needle-pointed tops (J1-J3), points to an analytical and sharp mind. There are virtually no beginning strokes before the letters; this person is to-the-point. The unizonal letters (a, c, e, etc.) are small, illustrating the ability to focus. No lines are tangled; this displays one who is clearheaded. These are the components of the "born lawyer."
At the end of the first line of a letter, a writer stops where it seems most appropriate and returns to the left margin to start a second line. Clinton moves the starting point of the written lines more and more to the right (K), toward the right margin; the left margin widens. This signifies both enthusiasm and impatience.
A wife who writes her husband's family name, or the initial of it, with considerably greater emphasis than that with which she writes her own initials, indicates that she thinks she has married "above her station." The converse is also true: If a woman writes her husband's surname smaller, or if she writes its initial noticeably smaller than the initials of her own name, she demonstrates a low opinion of him, his family or both. In this signature, the first name has considerably greater emphasis than the family name. This speaks for itself.
Notice that the cross bar joins the following letter (L1-L4). This reveals a clever combination of thoughts, the quality of the crossword puzzle-player, who can solve abstract and intricate difficulties and has the capacity to be open to experience.
Rabbi Yoseph Engel is the author of Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught.