North Korea on Monday rejected a UN resolution condemning the communist regime's human rights abuses, calling it a US-led fabrication "full of sheer lies."
"We categorically reject the recent human rights resolution as a product of their anti-(North Korea) political plot," said an unidentified spokesman of the North's Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by the country's official Korean Central News Agency.
On Friday, a UN committee approved the resolution criticizing North Korea's public executions, use of torture, and other human rights violations. The draft resolution goes to a plenary meeting of the 192-nation assembly for final approval.
It was the first formal comment from the North's central government on the resolution. On Saturday, a ruling Workers' Party organ, dealing with relations with South Korea, issued a statement criticizing Seoul for voting for the resolution.
North Korea has long been accused of imposing the death penalty for political reasons, holding thousands in prison camps as well as torturing border-crossers and severely restricting freedom of expression and religion.