Report: Russia using mobile crematoria to burn its casualties in Ukraine conflict
“They are trying to hide not only from the world but from the Russian people their involvement,” US lawmaker tells Bloomberg.
By JPOST.COM STAFFPro-Russian separatists sit on a tank at a position near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, September 2(photo credit: REUTERS)
In order to hide its military involvement in the Ukraine, Russia is burning the bodies of its war dead, US lawmakers who traveled to the Ukraine said, according to Bloomberg. “The Russians are trying to hide their casualties by taking mobile crematoriums with them,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry told Josh Rogin of Bloomberg recently. “They are trying to hide not only from the world but from the Russian people their involvement.”Thornberry said he had seen evidence of the crematoria from both US and Ukrainian sources.“What we have heard from the Ukrainians, they are largely supported by US intelligence and others,” he told Bloomberg. Representative Seth Moulton told Rogin that he had heard the reports of the crematoria, "from a variety of sources over there," enough that he was "confident in the veracity of the information."Moulton said the mounting evidence of dead Russian soldiers is causing a domestic backlash for Putin.“Russia is clearly having a problem with their home front and the casualties they are taking from the war,” Moulton said.“The fact that they would resort to burning the bodies of their own soldiers is horrific and shameful,” he added.