Nuclear scientist seeks asylum in Israel

Iranian scientist awaits a decision in a “friendly country.”

Speaking at a cultural event in Ramat Gan on Saturday, Deputy Negev andGalilee Development Minister Ayoub Kara (Likud) said that an Iraniannuclear scientist had broken ranks with the Islamic regime andrequested political asylum in Israel.
While Kara refused to reveal the identity of the scientist, he did saythat the Iranian national was currently awaiting a decision on thematter in a “friendly country.”
Kara added that the scientist had passed his message to Israeli sourcesthrough a Jewish woman of Iranian descent, and that he would do all hecould to advance the request.
“I will support any source with the goal of removing the strategic andnuclear threat posed to Israel and posed to the enlightened, democraticworld [by Iran],” Kara said during Saturday’s event.