Gilad Suffrin – a licensed tour guide and a friend in Israel
Whenyou contact me to inquire about my services, the first thing I do isinitiate a telephone or skype conversation in order to get a muchbetter understanding of your wishes, desires and fields of interest.This helps me build a specific tour program, fitting your needs.
Inthe program all other essential factors, such as: budget, interestingactivities for kids, weather, light hours, driving distances, physicallimitations, specific accommodations, transportation, reservations tosites, etc. are taken into consideration.
The outcomeof all this is a unique program which will turn into an unforgettableand emotional experience that you probably did not expect beforehand.
I specialize in the following tours:
- Family and Bar Mitzvah tours
- Pilgrimage tours
- Archeological and historical sites
- Nature hikes
- Fun and amusement tours
Phone: +972-2-6710416 cell:, skype: gilad.suffrin1