Bezalel Academy, 2016 Ruderman Prize winner, makes the most of its grant
The Academy awarded 10 students from the department of industrial design scholarships that went toward funding final projects that were intended to help people with disabilities.
By SARAH LEVIShoes by Tal Ariel, made to be easier for wheelchair-bound persons to put on and tie their shoes(photo credit: ODED ANTMAN)
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem was among the five institutions from around the world that received a $50,000 grant awarded by the Ruderman Family Foundation. The foundation is known internationally for providing the resources to enable a variety of organizations and companies to create and implement solutions for people with disabilities.Upon receiving the prize, which was announced in December 2016, the Academy awarded 10 students from the department of industrial design scholarships that went toward funding final projects that were intended to help people with disabilities.These works were on display at the most recent graduation show at Bezalel.In addition to the scholarships, the academy will also offer two courses for the upcoming school year called “Inclusive Design” which will be held in both their visual communication and industrial design departments and will focus exclusively on designs that will help improve the lives of people with disabilities.Prizewinners Gal Gez Zafrir and Tal Ariel, both graduates of the department of industrial design, created original and creative solutions for people with disabilities.Zafrir created “Rolys: Acoustic partitions for kindergartens.”According to the description the “project was carried out with the goal of developing a tool for integrating children with hearing disabilities into mainstream kindergartens and creating new environments within the kindergarten that screen the sounds, stimuli and visuals while maintaining small, educational and playful environments that enable concentration and thus better hearing.”Ariel’s project “Collie” is a line of shoes that make it easier for wheelchair bound individuals to put on and tie their shoes. “The Collie shoes collection comes to help those who cannot tie shoes themselves and need assistance.Additionally the anchor aspect allows those individuals assistance in maintaining the correct placement of their feet while riding in a wheelchair,” describes the designer.