Horoscopes for Hodesh Heshvan 5781/2020 (October 18-November 16)
Transforming ‘mar’ (bitter) into ‘ram’ (greatness)
This year Hodesh Heshvan will be both “mar” in terms of bitterness and “ram” in terms of greatness, though one will be felt immediately and the other retrospectively, should we make the right choices. Rosh Hodesh Heshvan begins with the powerful square of the Sun to Saturn/Shabbtai, the opposition of Venus/Noga to Neptune/Rahav, and retrograde Mars/Ma’adim’s square to Jupiter/Tzedek.Justice and equity should go together, and alas to the society where they do not. Delusional misperceptions are advertised as unquestioned reality, and aggressive disagreements are deliberately enlarged in public environments designed to amplify and enrage. Shocking surprises are revealed at the Full Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus/Oron, shaking the foundations of trust in resources we thought were inexhaustible.Mercury/Kochav in fairness-loving Libra is knocked off-balance by a square to hierarchy-loving Saturn in Capricorn November 1. Mercury stations direct on US Election Day November 3, and squares Saturn again November 6. Confusion around communication, authority, and chain of command makes this part of the month “mar,” or bitter.The third of 2020’s Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions occurs November 12, right before Mars in Aries stations direct November 13. The lessons we didn’t learn in early April and late June come back to hit us in the collective face. If that face isn’t wearing a mask, that blow will do more than simply sting. The New Scorpio Moon November 14 at the Sun’s sextile to both Pluto and Jupiter demands basic respect for live and death, including the life of our planet which supports all creation. Manasseh , the tribal ruler of Heshvan, demonstrated humility and grace by accepting his younger brother Ephraim’s ascendancy, though he himself was the firstborn. May Ram-Heshvan empower us to make a tikkun on this present mar/bitter darkness by loving so deeply the honor of others comes before our own.ARIES/TALEHPlanetary ruler Mars/Ma’adim is the classical ruler of Hodesh Heshvan, and stations direct Friday the 13th after his long retrograde through Aries, which has forced confrontation with power structures in your life. These have been to develop your own inner emotional infrastructure build on personal integrity, core competencies, and self-worth. Like tribal ruler Judah, your hard-won maturity is challenged by personal responsibility in partnership at the opposition of Venus/Noga to Mars November 9. Your natural nobility shines when you own your actions and fess up to shortcomings; consequences are bearable, but the loss of honor and self-respect is not.TAURUS/SHORFull Taurus Moon October 31 conjunct Uranus/Oron delivers shocking yet illuminating surprises. Venus/Noga opposite Mars/Ma’adim in retrograde Aries November 9 challenges you to go the distance in relationships. Put out extra effort to find common ground and maintain harmony with loved ones when Venus squares Pluto, Jupiter/Tzedek, and Saturn/Shabbtai November 15-19. New Moon in Scorpio November 14 asks you to share deeply with those you love. Any impedance you feel is from the residual buildup of unforgiven grudges. Let go of them immediately as they only serve to isolate you from the intimacy you long for and deserve.GEMINI/TE’OMIM
This is a volatile time during three Mercury/Kochav oppositions to Uranus/Oron (October 7, October 19 and November 17) and two Mercury-Saturn/Shabbtai squares – retrograde November 1 and direct November 6. Communication is skewed, previously trusted sources are suspect, and a sense of chaos makes it hard to give or receive a point of view. Mercury stations direct in Libra November 3, making a hard square to the ultra-sensitive Capricorn area of the zodiac, which has been bombarded by intense conjunctions of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter since January. Internal tensions must be resolved through unflinching and utterly ruthless honesty with yourself.CANCER/SARTANFirst Quarter Moon in Aquarius October 23 invites egalitarian conviviality and anti-hierarchal communal relationships. Knowing you are supported by true friends builds an emotional safety net; Full Moon in Taurus October 31 encourages feeling secure and grounded. Powerful regenerative urges compel your creativity November 4-6. Though it’s hard to let go, ultimately, you’ll be grateful at Last Quarter Moon in Leo November 8 prompting a conscious distinction between luxury and necessity. New Moon in Scorpio November 14 resurrects your inner forces; you start to believe in your own capacity to imbue significance and a deeper meaning into every encounter.LEO/ARYEHSun square Saturn/Shabbtai October 18, before moving into Scorpio October 22. Ego conflicts around family matters is not unlike tribal ruler Simeon’s own original inner conflict between family duty and sense of outraged honor. Sun conjunct Mercury/Kochav October 25 gives you tremendous communicative charisma; Sun opposite Uranus/Oron at the Full Taurus Moon October 31 throws the brightest light into the darkest places, especially around family secrets. Your faith and self confidence is strengthened at the Sun trine to Neptune November 9. Sun sextile Pluto and Jupiter/Tzedek at the New Scorpio Moon November 14: you are trusted for stability and determination. VIRGO/BETULAHMercury/Kochav opposite Uranus/Oron October 19 sparks sudden news that contradicts previous beliefs. The jury is still out: don’t make decisions based on this new information until after November 17. Possible confusion and fearful feelings around finances when Mercury retrograde in Libra squares Saturn/Shabbtai in Capricorn November 1. Don’t panic. Mercury stations direct November 3, then squares Saturn again November 6 and confusions untangle into bite-sized pieces of manageable, actionable information. Mercury enter Scorpio November 10, empowering a sense of accuracy and self-control. Your need to feel accomplished and competent is stimulated at the New Moon in Scorpio November 14.LIBRA/MOZNAYIMAre you and your significant other on the same Extreme Dream Team? Venus/Noga opposite Neptune/Rahav October 18 reveals just how far pure faith in each other can go. Explosive passions, power plays and the possibility of transformative union when Venus trines Pluto October 21. Like a warrior preparing for battle, you’ve assembled weapons and you’re not afraid to use them when planetary ruler Venus in Libra opposes retrograde Mars/Ma’adim in Aries November 9. You insist on a fair fight; you’ve got justice on your side November 15 at Venus’s square to both Pluto and Jupiter/Tzedek in Capricorn. Fight fair!SCORPIO/AKRAVPay special attention to your health when Mars/Ma’adim square Jupiter/Tzedek October 18 and avoid putting yourself at risk in any way. The opposition of Venus/Noga to Mars November 9 catches you unaware; corrections offered in love for unbalanced behavior is to be valued and taken to heart. New Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto and Jupiter November 14 is an emotional rebirth. The third of 2020’s three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions occurs on November 12. If you’ve worked consciously on communicating with integrity, you’re empowered to speak some life-changing, magical words to the heart – both your own and that of the beloved.SAGITTARIUS/KASHATVenus/Noga trine Jupiter/Tzedek October 19 expands hope for intimate connection despite an entire year’s worth of siphoning your energy into professional development. The third of 2020’s Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions occurs November 12, your deadline to solidify intentionalities if not actual commitments you made in early April and late June. You’ve transformed your personal values into something of external, measurable, and quantifiable worth. Adjustments made now to the structures you’ve helped to create will support your future. Sun sextile Jupiter at the New Moon in Scorpio November 13 blesses with bounty, Venus square Jupiter November 15 cautions prudence and wise restraint.CAPRICORN/G’DISun’s square to planetary ruler Saturn/Shabbtai October 18 gives you an opportunity to publicly demonstrate wisdom and humility. By doing the right thing in a visible way you’re enhancing your reputation and status. Venus/Noga’s trine to Saturn October 24 inspires beautiful order, and Full Taurus Moon October 31 generates harmony, which dissipates when Mercury retrograde squares Saturn November 1, and again November 6 with Mercury direct. Confusion around communication threatens structural security, but you’re the rock for those around you. Your friends, family and community need the stability your presence provides them, and you need to be a giver.AQUARIUS/D’LIRetrograde Mercury/Kochav opposite Uranus/Oron October 19 stimulates an examination of the deep disconnect that has developed between your public and private life. Now’s the time to ask yourself: how did I get here? This issue causes internal dissonance to whatever degree your personal values are misaligned with your public persona. First Quarter Moon in Aquarius offers you a reset button, but only you can push it. Sun opposite Uranus October 31 abruptly tells the non-sugar-coated truth loud and clear, whether you’re ready to hear it or not. New Scorpio Moon November 14 illuminates your need for dignity and privacy.PISCES/DAGIMVenus/Noga opposite Neptune/Rahav October 18 is when you wish upon a star. You’re so ready for your dreams to come true, and even more importantly, your dreams are so tired of waiting to be fulfilled. A harmonious trine of the Sun to Neptune November 9 sparks conscious gratitude, especially by contrast to the “there but by the grace of God go I” contingent. Acknowledge your blessings and don’t hesitate to ask for more – specifically what you want, not just “whatever feels right to You, God!” It’s okay to have focused desires – those too are a gift from the divine!