Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of November 3, 2017


Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
October 24 - November 21
Your thoughts turn to money, property and business ventures which could take a bit more cash and time than you had anticipated. Financially you are in a safe place right now but your base isn’t yet as solid as you are aiming for. So, when it comes to making a major career decision you need to take everything care - fully into consideration. HINT: The final half of this week brings a relief from stress and you can begin to relax. This is a good time for taking care of personal business and for doing what you want for a change.
Pressures from the past are difficult to shake off, but the truth is that you are in a far better place today and are ready to move forward. The lessons learned will serve you well; the successes gained will precede you and together they make you a far better person than you were. Financially you are still quite concerned but soon will have a workable plan installed and will be able to forge forward with more confidence. HINT: The beginning of this week is a perfect time to spend with your partner or mate planning an event which will bring you both joy.
There are times when it is difficult for you to remain calm and ignore mi nor setbacks which crop up. This is one of those weeks. Take a step back and let things flow naturally rather than try to push everything forward. The less you are in - volved personally and emotionally the better. Financially you are watching your bank balance carefully as extra expenses could not be avoided. Time spent with your immediate family is always a happy time so plan a party. Everyone loves to come to your place! HINT: Minor delays are expected but nothing you need be concerned about.
You are ready to tackle more difficult and complicated is sues and find it frustrating to wait for everyone else to catch up. Rather than get annoyed, fill your extra time doing the things which make you personally happy. Professional ly all will soon fall into place and you will be far busier than you had expected. A conversation with your partner or mate will help you to see things in a different light, and once again you realize just how special your connection is. HINT: Financially you are watching carefully but still can’t put as much money aside as you hoped.
There is so much on your mind these days and instead of trying to tackle everything at once, make a list and be - gin crossing every - thing off, item by item. So many people rely upon you and trust you will be there for them. You always are. But lately you feel the toll of car - rying them on your shoulders. If you don’t set up some borders to protect yourself emotionally then no one will. Financially you are moving for - ward, albeit a bit more slowly than you had hoped. HINT: A conversation with a fire sign will remind you just how happy you are to have this person in your life.
Busy is an under - statement and if you don’t begin to get more organized you will waste more time than you can afford. So many people want to be with you and be a part of your inner circle, and even though you hate to say no, sometimes that is the only answer you can give if you want to stay afloat. Your relationship with an air sign has lasted the test of time and you are more family now then just friends. The last few days of this week are perfect for tackling a project which demands creativity and a sense of vision. HINT: Financially you are basically where you planned to be.
This is a perfect week to enjoy working and planning with your partner or mate. Together you provide a wonderful atmosphere of cooperation, friendship and understanding, and when you put your minds together sparks fly! Financially you are always interested in adding more to your savings. Professionally you feel rather stifled and are ready to take on more of a challenge. Soon you will have to make a decision concerning the direction you wish your career to take. HINT: Spending time with an elderly member of your family is always special, so make arrangements to meet soon.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
Everything seems to be moving along according to plan and although you still have a question or two the major portion of your work seems to be done. With a bit more patience you will manage to accomplish far more than you had anticipated. The point is to remember to be focused and handle one thing at a time. Money and financial matters are still a matter of concern as you are waiting for some things to be finalized. HINT: So many people enjoy your company, but this week you prefer to spend some quiet time at home with family and very close friends.
You have so much on your mind lately that even the smallest thing seems to be a burden and more than you can cope with. Take your time. All is well and you simply need to remember to put things into proportion. Financially, finally you are becoming secure and can even begin to put some money aside for a trip in the spring. Your connection with an Aquarius is fun, strong and any time you are in the same room is like a party. HINT: Professionally you will be very busy this week, so plan accordingly and wherever possible leave yourself some space to take a breather during the day.
After spending more time at home than usual you are ready to get out and roar. This is your week to shine, so check your schedule, be careful about spending too much money and have fun. For far too long you have been weighed down by family issues, and although you knew all would be well, until everything was finalized you really couldn’t relax. But now you can. The beginning of this week is a perfect time for arranging some important meetings to discuss a project which is of great importance to you. HINT: Stay home this weekend and relax with loved ones.
You need to get your priorities straight - ened out this week and be prepared to admit to a mistake you have made. Even an oversight can cause someone close to you stress, so pay attention. Financially you are fine... but you already know that. Your relationship with a sibling leaves much to be desired, and if you are ready to make a move to repair the situation, this is the time. HINT: A great deal of thought and effort has gone into your home and time spent quietly with your partner or mate is just what you need in order to relax and stay calm.
So much is going on in your life these days and, actually, the busier you are the better. You still have a lot of loose ends which need tying up but nothing you have to worry about. Together with your partner or mate you have everything under control. Financially you feel more secure right now than you have in a long time, but you are still far from your ultimate goal. HINT: A conversation with a sibling who lives far away bridges the physical gap and makes you long to visit in person.