Girl, 4, injured in Palestinian stone-throwing attack laid to rest in West Bank
Biton suffered serious injuries when a Palestinian assailant threw a stone that smashed into the windshield of a car driven by her mother along the Trans-Samaria Highway (Route 5).
Hundreds of mourners gathered in the northern West Bank settlement of Yakir for the funeral of four-year-old Adele Biton, the young girl who succumbed to her injuries on Tuesday after falling into a coma.Biton suffered serious injuries when a Palestinian assailant threw a stone that smashed into the windshield of a car driven by her mother along the Trans-Samaria Highway (Route 5).The young girl was released from hospital, as doctors were hopeful that she would be able to make a full recovery. Her mother, however, said that the neurological damage suffered in the attack and the recent onset of pneumonia set in motion a series of events that eventually led to a serious deterioration in her condition.Speakers at the funeral used the occasion to call on the government and army to react more forcefully against Palestinian attacks.“We need to change the rules of engagement,” said Gershon Mesika, a settler official. “Someone who throws stones should be put to death, just like any other terrorist.”