Horoscopes for Adar Bet 5779: Courage and conviction

Adar Bet (and Adar during any non-leap year) is associated with the tribe of Naftali and the constellation (mazal) of the mutable water sign of Pisces, “dagim."

astrology (photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
Adar Bet (March 7 through April 5) is colored with courage and conviction “ad d’lo yada” this year! Because 5779 is a shanah meuberet (a “pregnant year”) on the Hebrew calendar, we added Adar Aleph, the extra (13th) month. This makes Adar Bet overlap Tekufat Nisan, the Spring Equinox, when the Sun enters Aries. In years when Purim of Adar Bet falls during Solar Aries, redemption is an action word, not merely a theoretical, theological hope!
Adar Bet (and Adar during any non-leap year) is associated with the tribe of Naftali and the constellation (mazal) of the mutable water sign of Pisces, “dagim” – represented by a pair of fish swimming in opposite directions. This symbol reminds us of the deep waters of the subconscious and unconscious mind which is the realm of Pisces: the place of unbridled imagination, deepest dreams and fantasies, the universal, the immortal, the undifferentiated oneness and unity of souls beyond ego constructs and personal identities.
Pisces has dual planetary rulers: Jupiter (Tzedek) in classical astrology, and Neptune (Rahav) in modern astrology. This year’s transit of Jupiter through Sagittarius enhances Pisces’ prophetic gifts in harmony with Neptune’s innate idealism. The New Moon in Pisces on March 6 activates spiritual insights and ignites devotional passion. Like tribal ruler Naftali whose legendary swiftness was supernatural, Pisces energy empowers us to break through the natural barriers of reason and logic with the tensile strength of unimpeded faith.
Purim begins at sundown on March 20, just hours after the Full Moon in Libra and Tekufat Nisan, the Vernal Equinox, as the Sun enters Aries. That’s a recipe for a rocking Purim, sure to ignite fresh, fun and stimulating encounters. May courage and conviction join hands with passion and purity “ad d’lo yada,” uniting idealism and self-sacrifice in the service of the greater good!
Author and multi-media communicator Lorelai Kude began her career as a professional astrologer in the 1980s. She holds a BA in Journalism from San Francisco State University and an MA in Jewish Studies from Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union, where her thesis topic was astrology in Jewish cultural history. More of her work is at www.astrolojew.com.