Light a virtual Memorial Day candle for Israel's fallen

Join more than quarter of a million people who have already immortalized Israel's fallen heroes.

A memorial candle (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A memorial candle
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Join more than quarter of a million people who have already immortalized Israel's fallen heroes. Light a virtual memory candle in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror.
The Yizkor website, in honor of Israel's Memorial Day, allows every user to light a candle, write a personal dedication and share with their Facebook friends.
The State Memorial Day commemorates the partnership between the bereaved families and the moral duty to remember and commemorate the fallen.
Aryeh Moalem, Deputy Director General of the Commemoration and Heritage Families Division at the Ministry of Defense: "I call upon the citizens of Israel to continue lighting a memorial candle on the site and to commemorate their loved ones and all the fallen of Israel's armed forces."